Time To Start

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Two weeks had pasted sense Naruto's attack.The masked man who attacked Naruto walked into the entrance of the Akatsuki secret hide out, witch was no longer a secret. Alliance scouts had already found the hide out, but not the entrance itself. He walked through the dark hall way until he came to a large room with a large statue. Below the giant statue was an old man with long white hair.

"The boy's stronger then I thought." The man said removing his mask.The man behind the mask was no older the sixteen like Naruto. He had short black hair and dark, cold, black eyes. "Next time I'll defeat him."

"Calm yourself Kudo," The old man said. "We'll get are revenge in do time."

"Madara," A voice called out. "Everyone's ready."

"Ready?" Kudo asked.

Madara smiled and shuffled his way out of the room. Kudo followed the slow old man until they came to a room with a long table. In each chair along the table were men in long black coats and red clouds.

"Why are we all here?" Deidara asked with a yawn. "I wanted to work on my art old man!"

"This is important." Madara sighed taking his seat.

"Then lets get this done." Sasori said. "What do want to talk about?"

"All are attempts to capture the Jinchuriki have failed." Madara said. "Now the Alliance has gained a good footing. We must go to are last resort."

"You mean-?" Hidan began.

"Yes," Madara nodded. "We are going to war. The Zetsu army is ready and you, my generals, will lead them."

"About time!" Hidan yelled. "I need some good sacrifices!"

"Fine," Kakuzu said. "But I'm doubling my cost for my services."

"I'm in." Kisama said.

"Very good." Madara smiled. "Let the Fourth Great Shinobi War begin!"


Naruto looked out the window into the dark storm clouds the roamed the skies. Something was wrong he could feel it inside. Suddenly Nagato rushed through the door.

"Naruto!" Nagato said out of breath. "The enemy is on the move!"

"What?!" Naruto yelled.

"Just a minute ago we got word from are scouts." Nagato explained. "They're moving out and in large numbers. The war is beginning!"

"Send word to all ninja's we are moving out." Naruto said. "Get to the teleporter and get to the HQ."

"Yes sir!" Nagato said.

Naruto began putting on his gear when Hinata walked in. She looked as if she had seen a ghost, or worse.


"I have to go Hinata." Naruto said.

"Let me go with you." Hinata begged.

"No," Naruto said. "I would worry about you to much and not focus on fighting. Stay here where Hal can protect you."

"I don't need protection." Hinata protested.

"I know that," Naruto said. "But it makes me feel better."

"I...can't let you...go...alone." Hinata said as tears began running down her face.

Naruto wiped the tears from Hinata's face and kissed her check. She wrapped arms around Naruto and cried into his jacket.

"I'll be fine." Naruto said. "Hey, when I get back we can start planning are wedding, how about that?"

"You think that will just make everything better?" Hinata asked.

"No," Naruto said kissing Hinata again. "But it gives the both of us something to look forward to."

With one more kiss Naruto left heading to the Alliance HQ. The division leaders were Gaara, Kakashi, Darui, Kitsuchi, and Mifune. They would lead the troops in battle. Naruto and the other Jinchuriki would focus on targeting the heads of the Akatsuki. If they could cut off the heads the war would be over.

"Naruto," Kurama asked in Naruto's mind. "Do you truly think we can win?"

"Where is this coming from?" Naruto asked.

"Madara is strong." Kurama said. "He could take on the entire Shinobi army and the Kage all at the same time. This could be a fruitless battle."

"Still," Naruto began. "We have to try. Everyone is counting on us. Brothers, Sisters, Parents, Friends, Lovers all of these kinds of people are counting on us to win."

"Then let us not disappoint them." Kurama said. "I can sense the enemy chakra from here. Why don't we head to the front before the Allied forces. I can send the message to the other Jinchuriki and start a wide spread surprise attack on the Akatsuki."

"Alright," Naruto said. "But everyone needs to be in a pair of twos. One Jinchuriki can be over whelmed by thousands of enemy's, but two can watch each others back."

"You got that right bro!" A voice called out.

Naruto looked behind him to see a man with brown skin and blonde almost white hair. He had a total of eight swords and wore a cloud head protector.

"Bee!" Naruto yelled with surprise.

"We were close by when we got the news." The eight tails said. "So we thought we'd join you guys. Where to now?"

"The largest attack force is at the beach," Kurama said. "Should we go there?"

Naruto made a bunch of clones and they began going in all directions. He was sending them to all the battle fields.

"We are heading to the enemy hideout." Naruto said. "Are only target is Madara Uchiha."

"Then lets get moving yo!" Bee yelled jumping ahead of Naruto.

"You idiot your going the wrong way!" The eight tails yelled.

"At last," Naruto sighed. "The war is finally here. I hope with it true peace, but there is still work to be done. Lets go Kurama!"

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