Chapter 2

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~*~Chapter 2~*~

Danielle’s POV

We roll down the windows and blast One Direction, luckily Sara found her Take Me Home CD.

“OH, I JUST WANNA SHOW YOU OFF TO ALL OF MY FRIENDS, MAKING THEM DROOL DOWN THEIR CHINNY-CHIN-CHINS, BABY, BE MINE TONIGHT, MINE TONIGHT, BABY, BE MINE TONIGHT, YEAH!!!” I scream at the top of my lungs. Once we get about half way through South Carolina we pull over and stop at a motel so I can rest, my trucks a stick and Sara doesn’t know how to drive it. The motel is one of those creepy ones with the multiple bolts on the door and the nasty smelling sheets. The guy who gave us our room is also very creepy. He kept asking me if I was sure I only wanted one night. Weirdo. Anyways, once we get settled into our room and triple check to make sure all the doors are locked and the window and the blinds are shut, Sara hops in the shower and I change into my polka dot pjs. When I sit down and check my phone I have 8 messages, and 2 miss calls. The miss calls are from my mom and the messages are from the boys and my parents.

Mom: Hey honey, have you settled down for the night? Be sure to lock up, and also make sure you don’t drive tired.

Nialler ;): Hey Dani, its Niall just wondering what you’re doing right now.

Hazza ;D: Danielleee, Niall won’t shut up about you.

LiYUM: Hey love, just making sure you guys got to a hotel safe and are locked up good.

BooBear: Danielle!!!!!! HIIIIII!!!

Zaynster: Save me from my boredom please!

Mom: Danielle Elizabeth Watson, you need to answer the phone and learn how to text people back, I’m worried sick about you!!

Daddy: Hey punk butt will you call your mother, she can’t sleep.

Nialler ;): Dani, are you and Sara okay, you haven’t texted anyone back yet…. Let me know.

I laugh at the names the boys give themselves in my phone, mostly at Naill’s and I wonder why he put a winky face… I decide to call my mom first because I know she’ll be the most worried. I dial her number and listen to the voice mail. Huh, I guess she did get to sleep finally. Just in case, I call my dad so that my mom can know I’m okay.

“Hello?” He says

“Hey Jimmy, I’m just letting you guys know we made it to a hotel and are settled down for the night and everything’s locked up and closed. Let mom know so she’s not worried please.” I tell my dad.

“Okay, I’ll let her know. Be careful driving down there sweety.”

“I will, but I’m going to go to bed, I’m super tired, love you.”

“Love you too sweet heart. Be safe.”

“Will do. Bye.”


I hang up and lie back on my bed and start to doze off. I said can I take you home with me, she said never in your wildest dreams, and we danced all night to the best song ever, we knew every line, now I can’t remember, how it goes but I know that I won’t forget her cause we danced all night to the best song ever, I think it went oh oh oh I think it went yeah yeah yeah I think it goesssssssss. I grab my phone and answer it.

“OH MY GOD DANI! ARE YOU OKAY?!?!” This high pitched voice screams in my ear.

“Huh…. Whaa…?” I answer sleepily

“Louis!!! Give me my phone!!!” A thick Irish boy yells at the high pitched one.

“NEVER!!!” Louis screams again.

“Louis, stop screaming in my ear, I just woke up.” I mumble to him. I’m guessing Niall got the phone because next thing I hear is a loud thud and whispers. As I start to fall back asleep he speaks up.

“Hey Danielle, sorry we woke you up but we were worried that you and Sara didn’t make it to a hotel safely.”

“Hmmm…? Oh no, it’s fine, we made it back but this one is really creepy…. It has like 5 locks on the door.”


“Niall chill, we’ll be fine, it’s just kinda creepy.”

“But you shouldn’t stay in one that has that many locks.” He sighs, “Just please make sure you lock everything up and shut everything good.”

I laugh at him acting like a dad. “Yes father, I already have.”

“Good girl, now do what daddy says and go brush your teeth and go back to bed.” He chuckles.

“Yes sir” I mumble and already start to drift to sleep. Niall laughs and I smile at the sound of that perfect laugh. “Why are you so perfect?” I ask before I even know it’s out of my mouth.

I think I hear him sigh and say, “I’m not the one that’s perfect Danielle. Goodnight, Sweet dreams.”

Niall’s POV

            I think she fell asleep… I wonder if she heard what I said to her… I hope not, otherwise that would just be creepy. But she did call me perfect, that had to mean something right? I really hope so. I decide not to hang up and to just go to bed listening to her breath quietly. I fall asleep with a smile on my face. God she’s just so beautiful it’s crazy.


Hey guys, so I hope you guys are liking this... If you have a idea for a name, let me know.

Check out my Twitter and YouTube: Ezabee94

Also if I get 5 votes, or next Friday (Whichever comes first) I'll update the next chapter. :)

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