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Morgan's POV

Today is Saturday and I'm watching Netflix and eating strawberries and all of a sudden I hear my doorbell ring. I forgot my parents were at work ,so that meant I had to go get the door. I opened the door and it was the least person I ex Chandler.  "Chandler?" "Hey Morgan, can we talk?" "Uhhh I guess. What do you want to talk about?." "Well, I wanted to see how you were doing and stuff like that." "Oh okay well I'm doing good just loving LA." "I bet. I would love to live here." "Not trying to be rude but why are you in LA?" "Family vacation. Also, I really miss you Morgan. I miss all the good times we had." "Chan (his old nickname), I miss you too but as a friend. We are just better off being good friends which I thought we were." "We are but I just want to be more than-" "I have a boyfriend." I blurted out. What a nice way to say that Morgan " Oh. Who is he?"Chandler said with a jealous tone. "Funny story...itsnategarner." I said really fast. "Woah, woah! Did you just say Nate Garner? The famous youtuber that YOU hated?" " Um yeah sort of." "Morgan , Are you freaking kidding me?! Him out of all the guys in LA you choose him? Wait, how did ya'll even meet? I just still don't why him." He said so angrily. 

Chandler's POV

What in the heck is wrong with Morgan? Is she smoking the stuff. Did she really dump me for that arrogant, not so good looking, stuck-up loser? Wow. I am so in shock. I can not wait to meet this idiot. Ughh... he already makes me wanna puke and I haven't even see him yet. I can't believe Morgan. I gave her EVERYTHING! And she just breaks up with me for Nate Garner. "Chandler, what's your problem?" Morgan asked me "Well, first- you know what I don't even care anymore. good bye Morgan." I said and I left slamming the door.

Morgan's POV

Apparently, someone peed and put salt in Chandler's cereal. 

Author's Note

Did you guys like it? Should I bring more of Chan in the story?

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