"Oops! Sorry about that." Taka said for she had just bumped into someone who happened to be heading the opposite way she's to. Mizu peeked at the situation Taka is in.

"It's alright. No need to apologize." the red haired teen boy said. His voice too soothing for Taka that made her cheeks warm up a bit. And only Mizu was able to see it since the boy had walked away.

"Pretty boy, ain't he?" Mizu teased Taka as she waves her lollipop on her side. Taka huffed and walked away towards the exit of Koenma

"Wait... I remember him... He's one of those demons that stole the artifacts with Hiei, right?" Mizu asked to Taka when she catches up with her.

"Yeah. His name is Youko Kurama. The fox." Taka responded with a serious tone. Mizu smirked.

"I didn't know you're into foxes though. Don't forget to mention, a demon." Mizu teased while nudging Taka's shoulder. Taka rolled her eyes.

"Speak for yourself."


{ Botan }

"Shouldn't we tell him about the rest of the video?" I asked as I watched the retreating Kuwabara happily jump up and down.

"Well I'd hate to ruin his fun." Yusuke uttered and I suddenly remembered the words of Koenma.

'Yukina is Hiei's sister.'

Speaking of which, how did Sir Koenma had a video or pictures of Yukina if it's a highly secured place. Maybe he have spies or something. I'll ask him that when this mission is done.


Another succesful case accomplished!

Once again, I'm in my pink kimono and my trusty oar on my hand as I walked the halls to Sir Koenma's office with pride and joy.

"Please don't tell me you have a fetish with video tapes this time." A slightly irritated voice echoed from one of the cubicles of the Prince's staff.

It seems someone is getting fed up with someone else's habits.

"You think I have fetishes? You're quite the observer there." another voice replied, seemingly a playful person.

That's weird. Both struck me as the embodied compliments of a certain demon pair.

I blinked a few times before shrugging and continued crossing the wide and dark hall then into the office.

I let out a heavy sigh and held my oar tightly with a bright smile when I stood in front of Sir Koenma.

My report started about the trouble we first faced on the way to Tarukane's mansion—we were spotted after all and Yusuke's smart mouth didn't helped at all.

"You should really stop falling into the enemy's hands, Botan." Sir Koenma commented.

"For your information, I wasn't trying to, sir." I snapped, fighting the urge to hit him with my oar.

Then the report ended well like always. I even took the oppurtunity to admit that I was going to give him a couple of black eyes for sending Yusuke to fight people that could cost the detective his life, just to know what's going to happen.

I thought he was so sure of Yusuke, only to know he prepared a black suit and eulogy for the boy's funeral.

"BIG LIAR!" I shouted at him as I pulled him up from his seat by his collar. He nervously tried to wriggle out of my hold. I put him back when I remembered what I was going to ask him. I fixed the belt of my kimono and sighed.

"Sir, I have a question. How did you know about Yukina? I mean, there's gotta be something or someone that made you get these bunch of information?" I looked straight back at him and narrowed my eyes, just to make sure he doesn't lie again.

He gulped. "Well... I do have reliable sources. In fact, it's a relief to Spirit World that we have a skillfull and talented pair to feed us with useful and unbelievable information.

I was about to ask again but the two giant golden doors suddenly opened wide—creating a sound that made us turn our heads to it. A girl with notable green hair, hiding her eyes in a tinted sunglass who's wearing an all black suit barged in.

"This case isn't over yet." she said in a dreadful tone as she walked towards the video player, replacing the playing footage with a new one.

Another girl came in. But this time, she has black hair with an almost similar apparel as the girl with green hair—exception of the scarf tied on the neck of the black haired girl. Oh, and she's also sucking a lollipop. She noticed me and gave a smile when she popped the lollipop out of her mouth.

"You must be Botan." she said before completely ignoring me and walking towards Koenma side.

"We found out something that you'd—maybe—want to watch." she said and as if on timing, the footage played. I averted my attention to the new footage.

"The idiots left the tape running that they forgot this." the green haired complained while walking towards the other girl.

In the footage, Kuwabara's Spirit Sword... didn't killed the Toguro Brothers.

"What! What is this?! They're supposed to be dead!" Sir Koenma shouted angrily.

"Well it isn't our fault, is it?" the black haired girl retorted.

When the whole footage ended, the two girls explained to us what really happened. It turns out, the Toguro brothers and a guy named Sakyo's plan was to con Tarukane. Immediately, the girls left when they were finished explaining about it, telling to Sir Koenma that they have important matters to attend to.

"Who are they?" I asked. Sir Koenma grinned.

"Taka and Mizu. The Spirit Spies."


whoa 1:30am?
-rozette & denise

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