"All right! All right! You want me to slow down?" She made a two-finger gesture. "I'll slow down." The Elf Army came immediately and readied their weapons at their target: me. Rosailia grinned with her hands on her hips all evil-like. Just the k-k-kind of girl I've been looking for...


"What?" She sassed at me.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Well," she began. "I was trying to impress you, so—"

"All this time, and you didn't tell me?"

"Sorry 'bout that, but..."

"But what?" She came closer towards me.

"But, um... this." She kissed my cheek.

"Seriously? That's how you feel about me?"

"Is that bad?"

"No, no way! It's... wonderful."

"Really?" She asked in suspense. So I kissed her cheek.

"Really." The others had raced in after us. I told Rosailia to let go of my hands—we were holding hands—and keep being the evil girl she was.

"'Kay," she said. "But, can you call me Rosy? No one has yet, and I want my special someone," before she left she squeezed my hands, "to call me that." I nodded, and we were back in position. Trellis yelled, "GO GET 'IM, ROSAILIA!! WOOOOO! HE'S A GONNA BE," he now had a deep voice. "DEEEEEAD!!! YEAH!" He was mocking me now. Rosailia—oops, I mean, Rosy—stuck her tongue out at him. You go get him, girl, I thought. He was flabbergasted.

"I thought—"


"But, we were buddies."

"Uh-uh!" She sassed at him, even more than what she did to me. Wow. I was impressed. I sighed, but no one knew.

"Well, I have to confess, then!" He walked up to Rosy. "Rosailia? I like—"

"Oh! Don't you dare say that to me, you... you," she was thinking now.

"Me, what?"

"ELF! That's the word! You puny, wreckful, little elf!" I intended on coming into this argument.

"That's the ticket!" I yelled to her. She turned and smiled at me.

And I smiled back.

Her attention was back on Trellis.

"How can I trust you when you even acknowledge," He gestured to me. "H-him?"

"Well, do you remember when we actually met first?"

"What are you looking for?"

"Not what, who. I'm looking for... a childhood friend."

"Who is that?"

"I'm sure that Emily knows him. But when he had to escape—"

"Are you saying what I think you're saying? You're looking for..."


"Um... yeah."

"Oh. Riiiight."

"Well, he finally came around."

"Excuse me? He's got feelings for—"

"Yeah, it's awesome. He likes me!"

"Oh. Good for you, then." He sulked and Rosy looked at me. Her expression said two things: 1) Max, should I ask what's wrong? 2) You're suddenly becoming cuter by the second! I nodded. She knew, though, I said yes.



"What's up? What's got 'ya down?"

"I was gonna say that I had feelings."


"Yeah. For you."



"That's a problem."


"Well..." She wouldn't say anything. I said it for her.

"She kissed me already. And I kissed her." I could see Trellis was really mad now. He held Rosy and squeezed her arms. He was ready to dive in for a kiss. Rosy tried to get her arms to move from the grip, but she was unsuccessful.

"Thisis for your own good." He taunted her. I was getting restless. So was Emily.    

Greas & Griffin (Amulet Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें