Chapter 1- Out on the Streets

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Its December 20, 2016. 5 days until Christmas. Hopefully Christmas miracles do happen.
All of a sudden it starts pouring out. There are big puddles of water everywhere. A truck drives by, right into all of the water. I am now soaked in dirty street water. I stand up and hit my head on the roof.

Oh, let me introduce myself. I'm Alyssa. I am 13 years old. I live on the streets. Well, actually in an abandoned sewer. I shoved boxes and ripped up blankets down there and made it my house. My parents kicked me out of the house when I was 10. Ever since then Ive been making a living for myself. I live in New York, so a lot of people are homeless here. It makes it hard to find a person willing to give you a dollar. In New York, a dollar is worth a lot, apparently. So I make a living by begging on the street. I get really scared sometimes.

A kid walks by, staring at me. He has to be 6 or 7. He whispers to his mom, and his mom nodds. He comes up to me with a $10 bill. Wow!
"Thank you!" I say.
"Youre welcome, perthon!" the child respones.
he has a lisp. its adorable!

I get up and go to a vendor. I have a way of making them lower their prices. I get one hot dog, a bag of chips, and a water. I still have $9 left.

All of a sudden, someone comes to me, and hits me with a rock in the head.
everything goes black.

(authors note: Im really sorry about how bad it is. keep reading! its my first story. itll get better, i promise!!)

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