Once Upon A Time

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thanks to tropical-tomlinson for the cover


Once upon a time, my life was such a horrific turn of events, so dull and meaningless. I thought as if I was never meant to walk upon the surface of the planet that I had been so carelessly dropped upon. There was no point to the life that I lived, day in and day out. Nothing made any sense. I was a broken, unassembled accident, a burden to the world.

Once upon a time, when I was at the very bottom, whenever all I ever wanted was to surrender, you walked into my life without a single clue in the world as to what you had gotten yourself into. You took my life, something so shattered and miserable, and turned it into something so much more. It was clear that you were nothing short of perfect. Every bone, every muscle in your body, so perfectly sculpted. Your lips were adorned with the purest shade of rose. Your words were as enticing as a siren’s call. You were something so much more than I could ever dream to be. I couldn’t help but wonder as to why, out of everyone else much better than I, you had picked me. Me. The walking travesty.

Once upon a time, we loved. True love is something that can’t be placed. True love is uncertain. True love can’t be forced. It always begins slow and then all at once, intensifies into something so strong that it can’t be broken. That was our love: true love. You were like a missing puzzle piece, absent but very much wanted. The moment we collided, there was nothing that could ever stop us. You made me a better person than I ever could have been without you. And then, so unexpectedly…

Once upon a time, I died. Isn’t it strange, my dear lover, how short the transition from life to death is? At one moment, I was barely hanging on. The breaths in my body began to lessen, my pulse started to slow, and my existence faded away. The very next moment, I wasn’t there at all. Isn’t it incredible, my sweetest angel, how evanescent the time we’re given to live on the magnificent planet earth really is? In the time it took to say your dearest name, I had already vanished.

And now, as I float above the clouds and look down upon where you are, I can see that you have turned into something so much like what I had been before.Your life is the glass shards left behind when a window is shattered. It is dust shavings left behind, so useless and hardly there at all. Without me, you are broken. And I can’t even begin to imagine how that could be.

Please, my beautiful darling, follow me into the dark. Together, we could be a perfect disaster forevermore. 

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