Chapter 2

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***Back in Venice***

Jaden remarks, "Those are some cool dragons. Know where I can score them?" The masked man said, "Jaden Yuki; calm, cool and collected to the very end. Now, perish!" A blast of white energy surfaces towards Jaden as he yells, "Neos! Uuuuaaahhggghhhh!" The masked man adds, "Now finish him!" Both dragons turn and aim their attack at Jaden. Just then, a beam of vermilion light appears and a loud roar is heard. Yusei and the Crimson Dragon appear in front of the brunette. The man was stunned, "What's this?" Yusei exclaims, "Jack's Red Dragon Archfiend....and Akiza's Black Rose Dragon." The man said, "Yusei! How you followed me back in time I do not know; but I do know that it changes nothing, for you and Jaden!" He goes on to say, "If you don't perish by my hand, the hands of time will do you in!" Jaden was confused, "Hands a' what?" The man cackled. Yusei yells, "Hold on!" The man then disappeared.

Yusei let out a frustrated sigh. Jaden said, "It's funny that we're meeting the same way we did before, Yusei." Yusei replies, "I don't think it's funny at all. It feels like we've been through this before." Jaden was determined, "Well, we'll get our payback soon enough." Yusei chuckles, "You sound like a friend of mine." Jaden was puzzled, "Your friend?" Yusei nods, "Her name is Y/N, and she would've said the exact same thing as you." Yusei adds, "Anyway, how did this happen?" Jaden said, "Well, some of my classmates kept complaining about having their cards stolen. I decided to come investigate and ran into you-know-who." Yusei said, "If we're going to take this man down, we're going to have to do everything we can." Jaden replies, "Hold up, are you asking me to team up with you?" Yusei answers, "That's right, Jaden." Jaden inquires, "How do we know where he'll strike next?" Yusei ponders, "I'm guessing that he went back further in time; back to when he makes his move." Suddenly, the building in front of them began to crumble. Yusei said, "Its starting here too! First your Duel Monsters vanish, now everything else!" Jaden questions, "Now what are we supposed to do?" Yusei answers, "We move." Jaden inquires, "Where?"

You said, "Tempest, I can sense it." Tempest Magician replies, "It seems like his aura is moving towards another time it seems." You thought, "Yusei.....I'm coming to help! No matter what the cost is!" You began to speed up, hoping that you wouldn't be too late.

*****Domino City*****

Fireworks exploded in the air, surrounded by large buildings. An announcer states, "Welcome to the Domino Duel Tournament!" Two people stood within the crowd. One of them was the King of Games himself, Yugi Muto along with his grandfather Solomon. Solomon comments, "It's certainly a good turnout." Yugi smiles, "And it's no wonder why; the rumour is that Pegasus himself is gonna be here today." A helicopter lands on the helicopter pad in the centre of the square. Three announcers are shown, two males and a female. The first announcer said, "And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've been waiting for!" The second announcer adds, "The man behind the monsters and the magic, the creator of Duel Monsters--" The third announcer finishes, "The one the only, the great Maximillion Pegasus!" Pegasus said, "Greetings, duel fans! It's wonderful to see you, but I'm sure not nearly as wonderful as it is for you to see me, so please, enjoy my splendor!" The crowd roars in response.

Meanwhile, from above, a certain masked figure watched the gathering from large building. He smirks, "And enjoys your last moments, Pegasus!" A shadow blocks the sunlight, causing Yugi to look up. Solomon blinks, "Wow, my laser eye surgery sure makes those duel holograms look real! Ooh!" Black Rose Dragon raises its head and blasts the row of buildings in its path. Yugi responds fearfully, "I don't think those are holograms, grandpa!" "Move it!" The crowd grew larger and Solomon yells out, "Yugi!" Yugi dodges the fleeing people and says, "Grandpa!" Red Dragon Archfiend shoots a large ray of light from its mouth, leaving smoking craters within the buildings. The building that had been blasted moments before, hovers over Pegasus. Pegasus said, "This is my worst fear, I've been upstaged!" Pegasus then screams, "Oh no-- the building!" It then collapses over Pegasus.

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