The Stalkers

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Chat noir-(looks at her)
Marinette-(sleeps in his arms with tears running down her cheeks)
Chat noir-(smiles) Come on (carries her to bed and puts her down and covers her with blankets) 😊 she looks cute when she sleeps (he wipes the tears in her cheeks)
Marinette-(smiles in her sleep)
Chat noir-(walks up to the balcony and looks at any strange people lurking around)
Marinette-(opens her eyes slowly) Eh? (Looks around)
Marinette-(gets up and looks out the window and she noticed that Chat was gone) (she sighs looking out the window)
Chat noir-(walks back in and sees Marinette next to the window) Marinette?
Marinette-(turns around and looks at him) Chat?
Chat noir- I thought you were sleeping?
Marinette- I thought you left?
Chat noir- I would never leave my lady here by herself in a situation 😌
Marinette- They probably went home (looks back at the window)
Chat noir-(smirks at her) Hey Princess 😌😏
Marinette- What?
Chat noir- It's just you and me here all alone having nothing to do (walks closer to her) Say why don't we do something together?
Marinette-(sighs) I'm not in the mood Chat (turns around) Uh.....
Chat noir-(looks into her eyes blushing) Uhhh!?
Marinette-(looks away) Ok I think I'll just go to sleep at you keep a look out (walks to bed and lays down)
Chat noir-(looks at her laying down) (he gulps and bites his bottom lip)
Marinette-(hugs the pillow next to her)
Chat noir-(AWWWW MAN I wish I was that pillow right now) (bits his lip)
Marinette-(pretends to kiss the pillow) Adrien 😘☺️❤️
Chat noir- 😳 (SHE SAID MY NAME SHE SAID MY NAME!!) (walks up to her)
Marinette- ☺️❤️
Chat noir-(gulps and sleeps next to her putting the pillow on the floor and he detransforms looking at her)
Plagg-(looks at them and whispers) Wow you REALLY like this girl don't you Adrien?
Adrien- I do actually (looks at him and looks back) She's the best thing that has ever happened to me (puts his hand on her face)
Plagg-(throws up in the trash can)
Adrien-(looks at him) Hey! It's true though
Plagg-(looks at him) I don't think so (covers his mouth at throws up in the trash) BLAAAAAA! 😣
Adrien-(shakes his head and looks at Marinette and whispers in her ear) I'll always protect you My Lady (he falls asleep)
Plagg-(stops throwing up and sleeps near the trash in his head in it)

Time past and the next day came

Adrien-(opens his eyes slowly and sees Marinette and smiles) She's still asleep 😊
Plagg-(looks at him) Yeah can we go now (throws up again from what happened last night)
Adrien-(gets up) No Plagg, let's surprise her
Plagg- What do you....
Adrien-(whispers) Plagg claws out
Plagg-(whispers) MEAN!?...(goes in the ring)
Chat noir-(looks at her and flops on the bed like a swimming pool)
Marinette-(moves around)
Chat noir-(lays down looking at her) 😏
Marinette-(kicks his head)
Chat noir- Eh. 😵
Marinette-(sleeps safe and sound)
Chat noir-(sits up rubbing his head and walks to her side) Ohhhh Marinette, Wakey wakey eggs and Bakey 😌
Marinette-(opens her eyes widely)
Chat noir- It's time to get up don't want to be late for....
Marinette-(hits him on the head with the stuffed animal pillow)
Chat noir- Work....😲 (falls on the ground)
Marinette-(stands up) Such a pervert (drags him down the stairs to the couch)
Chat noir-(lays there) 😵
Marinette-(looks at him) 😑 (walks upstairs and locks the door)

A few minutes have passed

Chat noir-(wakes up and looks around) What happened...?
Marinette-(walks down with the maid outfit on)
Chat noir-(looks at her and whistles) Wooooo, 😎 I would like that with the meal
Marinette-(looks at him) Chat let's go 😒 (walks out the door)
Chat noir-(follows) Alright M'lady

They both walks to the maid café and a line of people formed out side

Marinette-(looked at the line) Wow! 😳
Chat noir- What wrong M'lady (puts his arm around her) Speechless 😏
Marinette-(looks at him and takes his arm off of her) No that LONG line of people
Chat noir- Ohhh That 😏 They can wait
Marinette- Wait for wha....
Chat noir-(pulls her to the alley) Oh well you see if we have time to ourselves then we have time to make make out sound fun (looks at her and pulls her against the wall)
Marinette-(looks at him) Chat I don't have time for this let go of me (try's to pull out)
Chat noir- Sorry M'lady (looks at her)
Marinette- I will kick you and hurt you
Chat noir- MEOW! I love a girl who fights for victory 😌😏
Marinette-(looks away) Well yeah I like a boy who's a model
Chat noir-(laughs) Oh Princess you don't know me in the real world do you now 😌
Marinette-(looks at him) Just let me go!!
???-(laughs looking at them)

To be continued

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