The First Harbinger

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Eric felt the fine, powdery sand against his face accompanied by the pain of his sun burnt skin. He groaned, the only sound audible besides the eternal thrashing of the waves. He caught whiff of the fishy scent of the ocean and felt the waves slowly extend their reach up his lower legs before receding back into the depths. He slowly opened his eyes, a feat that activated his one sense that had not been activated in years, sight. At first it was all just a blur of colors, whites and blues and greens and yellows, but they slowly merged to create distinct shapes. Eric was able to see his surroundings and his mind finally emerged from the darkness it had been shrouded in. However, that did not diminish the ever-present, horrific memories burned into his mind. Just bits and pieces, small fragments of a past life. He pushed away the thoughts again and focused on this new reality that had been so grandly presented to him.

It was entirely beautiful, a beach that extended far off into the unknown, a sight that stirred the adventurous spirit inside him. Eric forced his body to move, the clockwork of his physical manifestation grinding, gradually increasing in mobility as his strength returned. He hoisted himself off the ground and stood wobbling, the sand that had partially covered his body falling towards the ground from whence it came.

He held up his hands and examined his current state. He noticed his tan skin, his torn jeans, and battered black shirt. He like the dark colors that made up his attire. His actual body seemed to suffer minor injuries although Eric noticed couple peculiar scars throughout his body, one directly behind a small tear in his jeans. This only added to the growing conundrum that enclosed his known reality. He looked toward the land, seeing dense vegetation with no discernible path. He looked around him and saw no other direction to travel in besides along the beach or into the jungle. Deciding civilization would be a brilliant thing to find, he began his trek into the foreboding wilderness.

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