One Little Incident...

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Minecraft Diaries Dimension

Aphmau had gathered a few friends to come for a party to celebrate Garroth's arrival and Laurance coming back. Not everyone could make it, but some could! Dante, Laurance, Garroth, Lucinda, Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, Emmalyn, Kenmur, Katelyn, Travis, Vylad, and Aphmau were all in the town square of the Phoenix Alliance Island. Everyone was laughing, singing, dancing. It was a great way to lift everyone out of their low spirits since Aaron's death. But meanwhile, Michi had managed to use her nails to carve a way out of the cell while everyone was distracted.
"I'm free! Nya~!" She said quietly. Then, so no one could hear her, she made her way to the portal to Phoenix Drop. After getting over the nausea from the teleportation, she entered Lucinda's house. "What can Michi use to get rid of these pesky humans? Nya~. Hm... Aha! Nya~! This will work perfectly!" Michi walked back to the portal and went to the island. She climbed a tree that stood near the town square and threw the potion. Clouds of dust flew into the air. Everyone began coughing, and even Michi wasn't safe from the potion. The puffs of magic disappeared, and all was silent.

MyStreet Dimension

Aphmau had gathered a few friends to a party at her house. It was for no particular reason, except to have fun! Not everyone could make it, but some could! Dante, Laurance, Garroth, Lucinda, Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, Emmalyn, Kenmur, Katelyn, Travis, Vylad, Zane, Aaron, Michi, and Aphmau all sat in the living room of the girls' house. Lots of laughter filled the air, and the delicious aromas of food could be smelled throughout the house.
Suddenly, large clouds of dust filled the street outside of Aph's house. Everyone but Zane and Aaron went outside, since the two were using the bathroom (Two different bathrooms! Jeez!).
"What in the name of Irene happened?" she said. She turned around to see MCD Michi.
"Michi just used one of Lucinda's potions, nya~! Welcome to a different dimension."
The clouds had disappeared, and everyone was shocked to find another version of themselves staring right back at them.

Finally, MS Aphmau spoke.

" I'm Aphmau...My Irene, I am so confused." said MyStreet Aph. "I guess you're from another dimension? I guess? Katelyn, help me!"

"I knew Michi was trouble. Anyways, what's your guys' deal? Those clothes are so medieval. And you act like you've never seen anything like this town before." MS Katelyn froze. "Oh my Irene... Please, no... There are two of them?!" she said, as she had just spotted MCD Travis. "Well, I'm out. Bye." She turned around and went back into the house.

"Hey, wait! I can't handle two either!" said MCD Katelyn as she followed the other version of herself.
Both Travis' looked like they were about to make a comment, when MCD Aph cut them off. "If you are ANYTHING like our Travis, then I suggest you two keep your mouths shut."

"Why am I so old?" said MS Dante. MCD Garroth and Laurance chuckled.
"Old man..." whispered Laurance.
"Hey. You're forgetting who lost that sparring match." said MCD Dante. Everyone from MS was confused by that statement, as sparring was very unusual for them, apart from Zane and Aaron's duel at A-Con. "Anyways, I have reason behind me looking older then some of the others. Besides, two kids can do this to you." MS Dante froze, wide eyed, and everyone from MS looked at him in shock. "Oh, and Dante? If you are like me, you have a pretty good guess who the mothers are, don'tcha?" MS Dante was so glad Nicole wasn't there. Mostly because Kawaii~Chan was glaring daggers at him, and she couldn't handle two people doing that. Mothers?

"You're me." said both Laurances. They nodded in unison, waved to each other in unison, and high-fived in unison. MCD Laurance unsheathed his sword, while MS Laurance unsheathed a sub. Everyone stared at him in confusion. "What?" He said in between bites. "Do you guys not store a sandwich in your pants?" MS Aphmau sighed. "And you wonder why I don't date you?" MCD Laurance looked disappointed. "Aw, man. I was hoping I had a shot with you in this dimension."

The Kawaii~Chans started a conversation. "So, Kawaii~Chan had a child with Dante~Kun? What is their name?"
"Her name is Nekoette~Tan."
"Oh~! Kawaii~Chan always wanted a daughter named Nekoette~Kun!"
"Kawaii~Chan knows!" Everyone's heads were spinning from all the third person conversation. Meanwhile, the Michis had their own conversation.

"Man, I look good anywhere! Nya~!" said MCD Michi.
"Right back at'cha! Nya~!" said MS Michi. MCD Laurance grabbed MCD Michi in a lock.
"Oh, no you don't. You've caused enough trouble. You're staying with me until we get home. I would keep an eye on her." said Laurance as he stared at MS Michi. 

"So, are you a witch in this dimension as well?" asked MCD Lucinda.
"Yep! And I see my fashion choices are still magnificent!" said MS Lucinda.
"This is the best day of my life." said both Travis'.

Everything was going well, until Zane came out of the house.

I hope you are all enjoying the story! I've been thinking about a crossover for SO long that eventually I figured that I should just write a story about it! Hopefully the next chapter will be out tomorrow, and sorry this one is out so late (For Floridians, that is.) See you all soon! Bye!​​​​​​​

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