Chapter Sixteen

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Alex's POV

There was shouting in the hallway causing Jo and I to exchange glances.

"What's going on?" Jo asked as Dean stormed back into the room.

"Shut it, Jo." Was all Dean said before he was back out the door, holding the keys to the Impala and picking up his leather jacket.

"Dean!" We heard Sam yell out in the hallway trying to stop his brother.

The door then opened again and Sam came through it with an arm slung around Piper. Piper's eyes were spilling tears and her head was pressed into her brother's shoulder.

"Am I missing something?" Jo asked, completely dumbfounded.

"It's a family thing," Sam said putting his hand over Piper's face knowing she wouldn't want other people to see her cry.

"Wait, they're related?" Jo asked me after Sam and Piper went into the bedroom.

"Siblings," I told her," well Piper's Sam and Dean's half-sister."

"No shit," she said as her eyes wandered over towards the closed bedroom door. "So what happened?"

"It's not my place to say," I said and walked toward the bedroom.

I knocked on the door and waited.

"Who is it?" Sam questioned.

"It's Alex," I replied through the shut door.

I heard mumbling in the other room then a voice say that I could come in.

Piper and Sam were sitting at the end of the bed and Piper was still crying into her brother's shoulder, hiding her face.

I just stared at her sobbing body for a minute, feeling my heart break.

"Hey, um," I say trying to compose myself. "I'm going to go pick us all up some food, you guys want something?"

Piper just continues to cry and Sam shakes his head and says, "I think we're good."

I leave the room again and ask Jo the same question but don't listen to her response because I know I'm not actually going to grab something to eat.

"I'm going to borrow your car," I tell the blonde and leave.

I drive all around town searching for the black, easy to spot, Impala that Dean drives and finally find it at a bar on the outskirts of town.

I park the car and walk in searching for my old friend.

"Dean," I say roughly as soon as I see him.

"What do you want, Alex?" He questioned as he took another sip of his whiskey.

"We need to talk," I tell him and sit down on the stool next to him.

"About?" Dean asked, finally looking over to me.


As soon as the name came out of my mouth Dean scoffed and looked back down at his drink, sloshing it back and forth with the movement of his hand.

"You do realize that she's hurting too, right?" I asked after I ordered a drink.

"She doesn't have the right-" he began but I cut him off.

"The right to what?" I asked, "To mourn your father's death?"

"She's the one that pulled the trigger."

"John told her to do it, Dean. He told her to finish the hunt that's lasted for what, twenty-three years, she finished it for him."

"She killed our father-"

"She killed a demon. The same demon that killed your mother and Sam's girlfriend. Your dad just went down with it, it's what he would've wanted." I told him, "He wanted the thing to die more than anything in the world. John wanted revenge for your mother's death."

"How the hell do you know? How do you know what he wanted?" Dean asked me angrily, his voice slowly rising. "You don't know what it's like to lose everyone."

"I do, Dean. My whole family's gone yours isn't; you still have Sam, you still have Piper." I took a sip of my drink then continued, "You haven't seen it, Dean, she hasn't slept a full night since it happened. She's losing it, every time she closes her eyes she shoots up out of a nightmare within an hour. She doesn't eat, she's angry all the time, she doesn't ask for help. She's not herself anymore."

Dean shook his head slowly then threw some money on the bar and left. I stayed in my seat and finished my beer knowing I had made Dean think that maybe he wasn't the only one hurting still.


Hey guys! Can we talk about how I've updated twice within 24 hours? Also, shoutout to my best friend @hunteronearth for helping me with some of the storyline to my story! 

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