❤️On Your Period

Start from the beginning

Matt continued to stare at the TV screen as he viciously pressed the buttons on his game controller. "Can't you watch it in the room?"

You pouted. "But it's better on the bigger screen. Please! It'll only be an hour!"

"I'm in the middle of a match. Just go watch it somewhere else." He said, shooing you off.

Narrowing your eyes, you walked closer to him. "I always give you the TV when you want to play games and you can't even fucking let me watch one episode?" You asked angrily.

Matt tsked and rolled his eyes. "Why you so bitchy today? Are you on your rag or something?"

1 Hour later
Mello bowed his head in respect as Near played  a melody on his violin.

"Here lies Matt. A wonderful partner and friend...but a complete dumbass."

Matt groaned in pain as he laid on Mello's couch. "No seriously guys...I still can't feel my dick." Tears streamed down his face. "She kicked me really hard."

You were not in the mood to deal with anyone right now. If looks could kill, everyone that ran into you would die. Your period made life awful for you. So luckily you were at home. But man, you were craving something sweet.

'Mello's chocolate!' You thought.

Running to the kitchen cabinet where Mello keeps his "secret stash," you swung the door open to see the sweet glory that is chocolate.

"Perfect..." You whispered, grabbing a Hershey's Chocolate Bar.

Mello then walked in right on time to see you eating his precious chocolate. "Hey! Did I say you can eat my chocolate?!"

You slowly looked up at Mello and walked up closely to him. "Listen here, you piece of shit. I am in no mood to hear your fucking sass. If I want to eat this, I will. Now leave me alone, you lady gaga, drag queen looking, wannabe, pussy ass bitch."

You gave one final glare and walked away.

A lone tear fell from Mello's eye. "Why is she so mean?"

Near was busy working on a case with Halle and Giovanni, which left you to yourself most of the time.

"Do I want ice cream...or a sandwich?" Your cravings were debating against sweet or salty. "Sandwich!"

You walked to the kitchen and started gathering your supplies on the counter. Bread, turkey, lettuce, tomato, pickles...mustard? Where is the mustard?

"Please tell me there's mustard!" You groaned as you searched every inch if the fridge, but no luck. "Are you kidding me! How can I eat my sandwich without mustard?!"

Tears started to streak down your face as you put back all the sandwich supplies sadly. Just then, Near walked into the kitchen after hearing the ruckus and started to worry when he saw you crying.

"___? Why are you crying?" He asked, lifting your face up.

You sniffled and looked back down. "There's...there's no mustard for my sandwich!"

Near's face fell and he sweat dropped. "That's all? Why don't you use mayo?"

"Because I don't like mayo, Near! Why didn't you know that?!" You cried angrily.

"Okay, okay," Near said quickly, "Why don't I take you to Subway so they can make the sandwich for you. They are guaranteed to have mustard. You can also pick whatever you want to put in your sandwich."

"Even avocado? They charge extra." You asked sweetly.

Near nodded his head. "Yes, even avocado."

"Okay! Let me go get my shoes!" You said excitedly and hurried off.

Near sighed. "Let's hope this week goes by quickly."

This month your motherly flow was like a freaking volcano. You would need the heavy duty stuff instead of the light, but you didn't have the energy to go out and get them.

"Matsuda?" You called quietly.

Your boyfriend looked up from his paperwork and smiled. "Yes?"

"Can you go to the store and get me some pads?" You asked sweetly.

Matsuda's face flushed. "W-why me?"

"Because my head hurts and my cramps are acting up." You explained.

Thinking for a moment, he sighed. "Okay."

You grinned and hugged him. "Okay, get me the heavy ones for night and the medium ones for day! Thank you, love!"

20 minutes later
Matsuda just about screamed when he walked into the women's sanitary isle. There were so many options! He didn't know which to choose!

"Okay she said heavy ones for night." He repeated to himself. "But how can you tell they're heavy?"

He picked up a purple pack of pads and weighed them in his hand. "These don't seem very heavy," Looking closer at the package, a lightbulb went off in his head. "But there's a moon on it and the picture shows its the biggest one, so this must be it. Besides, she's just using these for sleep." He debated and put them in the basket.

Now time for the, medium ones? Whatever that means.

1 hour later
"Here you go." Matsuda said, handing you the bag.

He was exhausted. There were so many choices to choose from! He spent over an hour trying to find good ones for you and it just fried his brain.

Looking at the packs, you smiled warmly. "Thank you, love. But...these don't have wings."

Matsuda almost cried. "Wings? ___, what does that mean?!"
Hello everyone! As promised, here is a new scenario!! :D

And yes...the Near scenario with the sandwich is based on a true story. I have cried over there being no mustard ;A;

Thanks for leaving suggestions! You are all too sweet <3 and thanks again for reading. -Violet

Death Note Boyfriend Scenarios/One Shots! (Death Note Wattys/Golden Apple 2016)Where stories live. Discover now