"In five minutes exact and the mission is gonna be kind of long." Joey said and my eyes widened.

"How long? There is no way we can work on both missions at a time like this." I exclaimed and he shrugged.

"I said the same thing but here's the thing we aren't actually really leaving. It's the same mission basically just that we have to protect a kid." He said.

"Oh so now we're downgrading to a beginner mission and we're gonna be some kid's body guard. Wow, I'm really impressed." I said with sarcasm dripping in my voice. These type of missions were assigned to kids who were just beginning, I don't understand why Cole would send us on this. Where the heck is the California agency? This is suppose to be their job.

"Look Riles, the kid got himself into some trouble with this gang of drug dealers and-"

"Wait. The same drug dealers in our mission right now?" I asked cutting in and he nodded his head yes.

"Yeah, from what I heard they're the same dealers. Basically, we just have to go speak to the parents tonight and then watch him at school and talk to him. You are just kind of taking a break from this mission." Joey said and I sighed.

"Okay, fine but how are we gonna help a kid who got himself involved with the wrong crowd?" I asked kinda confused.

"Geez, another question Riles. Are you sure you're not a beginner in this business?" Joey asked and I smirked and stood up and attempt to kick him in his precious jewels, but he moved to the side a little making me kick him in his thigh and causing him fall to the ground. I quickly grabbed his arms and twisted them so they're behind his back and grabbed the handcuffs from my pocket and locked them on his hands causing him to groan. You may wonder why I have handcuffs in my pocket, but before you all get those dirty thoughts in your head it's because I have to be prepared to leave at any time in a mission. In my other pocket I even have a pocket knife.

"Riley, I'll get you back for this." He squeaked out. I smirked and sat back on the bed waiting for him to stop being a baby. This wasn't new for us, we had plenty of times where we would fight each other.

"I was kidding, but please Riles. You know the more missions you do the higher rank you get. Which means the closer one of us gets to owning the agency." Joey bribed slowly trying to stand up and I narrowed my eyes at him. He knew I always like to win and in case it wasn't obvious but I'm very competitive.

"Bloody hell. Fine, i'll be ready in three minutes, now get out!" I said and pushed him out of room and he landed on his butt.

"Riley, you didn't unlock the handcuffs!" Joey yelled.

"Oh I didn't?" I asked innocently. "Darn. Sorry Joseph I don't know where I left the key." I said sliding off my pajamas.

"They're in your pocket." He yelled.

"Nope, not in there I checked." I said smirking as I pulled the key out of my pocket and looking at it. I heard Joey groaned from frustration from the other side of the door. I quickly walked over to my closet doors and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a black v-neck. I put on a belt that had a gun holster and a knife one. I then slid on the rest of my usual gear and then opened the door. It seem Joey is standing up now with his arms crossed and the handcuffs now broke, laying on the white plush carpet. I frowned, that was one of my favorite pairs!

"That was one of my favorite pairs." I said speaking my thoughts.

"Don't handcuff me next time." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. How'd you get out?" I questioned. Those handcuffs were titanuim and one of my strongest pairs.

"I was already dressed for the mission. Meaning I had all my gear on and -"

"I get it. " I said cutting him off and holding up my hand.

"What I don't understand is why Cole didn't have asked Rachel and Emily do this mission?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because it has to do with the dealers and they can't handle the dealers alone. Basically we have to threaten the guys to not bother this kid, Calum." Joey said and I nodded.

"Or we could just get this kid to back out and maybe we won't have a problem as long as we get back here and take care of the gang fast." I suggested and Joey thought about it.

"Doesn't sound like a bad idea Scott's."

"Well, looks like you convinced her I see." Matt said coming up the stairs.

"Yup indeed I did. It didn't take much I mean once she seen my handsome face she gasped and agreed right away as long as we go out to get some frozen yogurt." Joey said and I smacked his arm.

"Aren't you just hilarious." I said sarcastically. " I personally think this mission is lame but I'll do it." I said.

"That's great. Here's the keys. You're taking my car." Matt said throwing them to me.

"Wait, how come she gets to drive." Joey complained whining like a little kid.

"Because she won't go crazy with the car." Matt replied.

"Why would I go crazy?" Joey asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You'll see. Good luck." Was all Matt said before he walked into his bedroom. Joey looked at me as if he was expecting the answer but I just shrugged. I grabbed my mini black bag and put it over my shoulder and pressed the red button on the car keys.

"What does the red button do?" Joey asked and I just held up a finger. The bookcase slid over, revealing a door. I walked over and opened it and started heading down the medium sized staircase which led to the car garage.

"I didn't know we had this." Joey said following behind me.

"These set of keys can drive anyone of these cars." I told Joey.

"Holy f-" Joey started to say but I have him a look.

"Holy Fudge. I was gonna say fudge." Joey said innocently. I just rolled my eyes. "When did Matt have all the time to build all of this and get these cars?"

"He didn't have any time-"

"But how-" Joey started to say but I glared at him making him shut up.

"As I was saying, he didn't have the time to build any of this. This house has been here for years and the first agent to do a mission in LA made this, his name was Nathan Blaze. Nathan liked to have a option for which car he would choose for each mission so he slowly filled this place up with cars there's at least one-hundred down here. That tunnel over there leads up to the garage." I said pointing over towards the right.

"Can we stay here forever?" Joey begged getting on his knees.

"Nope, definitely not. I already miss London like crazy. But I mean you could always switch over to the agency here in California." I said before thinking that over. "One second thought, you could try but I wouldn't let you do that because I'd miss you too much." I added after thought.

"You'd miss me?" Joey said looking at me with a strange face expression. I gave him a weird look but nodded.

"Yeah, you're like a brother I've never had." I said ruffling his hair. For a second I thought I saw him frown but his expression changed so fast I couldn't tell.

"Yeah and you're like a sister to me too. Now which car are we taking?" Joey added, quickly changing the subject.

"We have two options. Matt said we could take the lamborghini or the motorcycle" I said.

"Lambo!" Joey said and ran over to the black one and jumped into the driver seat.

"Move your bum Joseph! Matt said I get to drive! He doesn't want the lambo to crash and have to pay the bill for it."

"I would never crash this baby!" Joey said petting the steering wheel but moved anyway.

"Where to?" I asked.

"Long beach baby!" Joseph said while fist pumping and turning up the music. I just groaned as we started on the way to Long Beach, this was going to be a long ride.


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