Chapter 4: I'm Not Afraid of Dying...

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Chapter 4: I'm Not Afraid of Dying...

Yumoto sighed to himself as he tried to fall asleep. He had a lot on his mind, Wombat was already asleep by his feet and Yumoto felt tears forming. He didn't know why he was upset...but he just felt like he would fail.

Wombat said he was the strongest, and yet...why did he feel so weak? He didn't certainly feel like he was strong, and he knew he was the first one to awaken new powers...but could he even go back to being More Better Battle Lover Scarlet...?

The others only could because he had awakened as that, but...he couldn't even hold that transformation that long. He sighed as he began to remember what happened after that battle with Hireashi.

"Love is seriously over!" Scarlet smiled and giggled as he looked around. He actually saved the Earth from destruction! He was just like Sailor Moon in that manga he used to read! He couldn't believe it at all, he looked around as he felt himself feeling weaker. He gasped out slightly as he felt himself losing consciousness. "Scarlet!" voices called out as his world turned black.

Scarlet remembered waking back up and noticing that his and everyone else's outfits were back to normal. "'re awake. We thought you were a goner..." Vesta smiled and Scarlet winced as he tried to sit up. Sulfur gently forced Scarlet to lay back down in Epinard's lap and smiled. "You scared us."

"Did I?" Scarlet smiled and Vesta laughed, "Yeah! We...well...we don't know what we could ever do without you." He replied and Cerulean nodded. "We were afraid you'd be out longer..."

"How long was I even out...?"
"About thirty minutes." Aurite replied and Scarlet frowned, "That long...? Why did I even pass out?"

"You weren't strong enough to hold the transformation." Wombat stated and Scarlet gasped, "I-I wasn't...?"
Wombat nodded, "Don't worry, your body just wasn't used to it. Next time you might be able to actually hold and keep it."

Scarlet looked at him and slowly nodded...a next time...? Does that mean he...

"Oh! S-sorry Gora-an-chan...I was thinking." Yumoto quickly replied and Gora sighed, "Yumoto, it's late. You should be asleep by now."

Yumoto smiled, "I know. I'll try to get some sleep. Good night An-Chan." Gora smiled back, "Good night Yumoto."

Yumoto sighed to himself as he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep for like the hundredth time that night...

The Next Day:

The five Battle Lovers were hanging out in their clubroom, and talking about Yumoto's latest problems.

"I say we just get the Student Council to kick him out." Ryuu replied and Io rolled his eyes. "Ryuu, just because you don't like someone, doesn't mean you can kick them out of school."

"Well, if we need to protect Yumoto, why don't we?" Ryuu frowned and Atsushi sighed, "Io's right Ryuu, I know you want to protect him...but we really can't kick a student out for that reason."

Ryuu frowned and went back to texting girls on his phone while Io rolled his eyes as he looked away from his best friend. "What do you say we do, Yumoto?" Io asked and Yumoto looked up from cuddling Wombat.

"Let it happen..." he whispered, "Atsushi-senpai...?"
"Yes?" Atsushi replied and Yumoto bit his lip. "I-I'm not afraid of dying...I-I'm...I'm just afraid of what might happen if we fail our mission to save the Earth."


"It's true! I don't care what happens to me at all! I just want the Earth to be filled with love!"
En looked at the first year and then looked down. That kid could really make you think...

Yumoto stood up and sighed, "I just hate how you guys have to fight for me..."
"Yumoto, we fight as a team, and when you get stuck we help you because we're your friends." Ryuu replied, "We don't do it because we think you need it. We do it because we know you'd do the same for us." Yumoto stared at him for a few seconds and bit his lip.

Then, Yumoto smiled. "You guys are the best!" he giggled as he hugged Ryuu, "Thank you Ryuu-Senpai!"

"Y-you're welcome...?" Ryuu replied as he raised an eyebrow and Io shrugged, "Just let him hug you."

"I'm glad to call you guys my friends...I promise, that we'll save the world...together!"

Wombat smiled, "See! This is true love! Something that Hireashi will never have!"


"Tungsten, go get Caerula Adamas..."
"Lord Hireashi, they won't fight them!"
"I saw them saving Scarlet..."

"Then after you kill Scarlet, get rid of them! Or better yet, get rid of them as soon as you can!"
"Yes, sir!"


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