Chapter 3: Money, Power, Glory

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Chapter 3: Money, Power, Glory

Yumoto carried Wombat to his class and he sighed as Atsushi and En walked with him. "Remember, if you have any problems alert us or the Student Council." Atsushi told him and Yumoto rolled his eyes playfully "Wouldn't it be better to transform and attack?"
"No! Then you might get seriously hurt!" Atsushi frowned and En smiled, "Don't be suck a mama bird, Atsushi." He joked and Atsushi blushed.

As he did this, Yumoto laughed and Atsushi turned to him after clearing his throat. "Y-Yumoto, you better get to class." Yumoto nodded and he quickly went into his classroom.

Yumoto didn't have any problems, but he was a little nervous about having class with Araki. Araki made him uncomfortable, but he knew he had to stay in his class so that if anything would happen he could stop it! He frowned as he headed to his next class and looked straight ahead the entire time.

He sat down in his desk and sighed softly. He looked down at Wombat and frowned. "Wom...Wombat...?"

"Yes?" Wombat replied and Yumoto sighed, "Why...why is it always me...?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Why does everything attack me...? Is it because I'm the leader?"
"'re very powerful, and they feel threatened by you, so...naturally...they pick you out first."

"But..." Yumoto sighed, "Why am I so strong?"

"You care...and you're full of love." Wombat explained and Yumoto nodded slowly.

"A-ah...!" Yumoto cried out as he felt something hit his lovraclet and Wombat eyed him.

"Yumoto!" Wombat cried as Yumoto's eyes slid shut and he collapsed onto the floor. "Oh sole mio!" He panicked and gasped as he saw a figure walk into the room.

"Battle Lover Scarlet...or should I say Hakone Yumoto...?" A voice laughed, "Oh look, the Battle Lover's mentor..." "You! I remember you with Hireashi!" Wombat growled and the person laughed.

"Yes...and you see, I'm going to take Scarlet...and when you find him...he'll be dead!" The person laughed and grabbed Yumoto.

Wombat gasped as Yumoto slowly began to open his eyes. "YOU! A-Araki!!" Yumoto panicked and Araki laughed. "So you finally remember who I actually am...! Too bad you'll be dead by the time I'm finished with you!"

"W-Wombat!!" Yumoto cried as they disappeared and Wombat gasped as he ran out of the room, holding Yumoto's bag between his teeth.

Yumoto tried to fight him...he really did...but yet, Araki had done something to where his transformation was blocked.

"What have you done to my bracelet!?" Yumoto demanded and Araki smirked, "Just a radio blocker. It'll fade off soon."

"Why do you want me dead!?" Yumoto cried and Araki slapped him. "Shut up! You will learn eventually!" Yumoto growled and he looked around. "I know you just locked me in the gymnasium. So my friends will find me soon!"

"Not if I have it where it can't be open, even with their weak powers. All I want is yours."

"Never! I'd never give my power to evil! Love will prevail!" Yumoto screamed and Araki growled as Yumoto tackled him. "Leave me alone!" Yumoto screamed and Araki pushed him off.

"I will...once you're dead!" He screamed back and Yumoto prepared himself for another attack.


"L-Lord Hireashi!"

"I told you! We're not ready to kill him yet!"


"NO BUTS! Leave now!"
"Fine!" He turned to Yumoto, "You win this damn round Hakone...when I come'll be begging for mercy!" Yumoto covered his eyes as he disappeared and he looked down at his lovraclet. Tears began to fall and he covered his face as he cried. He didn't know why he was sobbing, he just felt an overwhelming urge to cry. If he couldn't transform, then he was basically nothing...his friends wouldn't like him anymore, would they?

"A-Atsushi-Senpai...?" Yumoto whispered and he looked down as Atsushi ran up to him, "Are you okay?" Atsushi asked as he bent down in front of him and he gasped as Yumoto threw his arms around him. "I-I...I wanna go home..." He whispered and Atsushi sighed as he held the first year in his arms.

"Yumoto...what happened?" He asked softly and Yumoto barely choked out, "I-I don't know if I can transform..." "What?! Why!?" Atsushi asked and Yumoto looked at him. "He...he said he blocked my powers."

"Are you sure he wasn't lying to you? Try to transform right now." Atsushi replied and helped Yumoto stand up. "Love Making!" Yumoto yelled and gasped as he felt it working.

"See, I told you...he was lying to you. He did that so you wouldn't be able to fight him." Atsushi told him after the transformation happened and Yumoto nodded. "Love out!" He declared as he put a hand over the heart brooch and turned back to normal. "Come on...let's go to the club room."

"How dare you attack him in the open like that!"
"Lord Hireashi! I was trying to get the job done!"
"You will fail by rushing into it!"
"Lord Hireashi, please. Let me get rid of them once and for all!"

"Fine...take this and destroy them!"
"Thank you, sir."

Tungsten looked at the object in his hand as he walked away and smirked...they wouldn't be so lucky next time. He'd make sure to kill Scarlet right in front of his friends, or kill the others first and make Scarlet watch. He hadn't decided yet.

The New Student (A Boueibu Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora