We are here

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Ashley POV

I wait and wait. Today was Saturday. I was waiting for Skye at the park. Its been 45 minutes. I was going to leave untill I bumped into a chest and fell on my back. Why does this happen to me. I was going to get up but the person I bumped into helped me up. "Skye?" I ask. "Yup, sorry for bumping into you." He says as he scratches the back of his head. He actually came. Point 2 for Ashley. "Its fine so come along we have walking to do." I say. I hear him groan. "In a Saturday morning." He complained. I nod. He sighed then walked next to me. We walk around the park and go to a nice little place in town. After we eat we go and walk. "Hmmm... Whats this?" I say curiosity clear in my voice. I found a trail leading to a little forest we had near the town. I yank Skye along with me. "I don't think we -" I cut him off when I smack a hand over his mouth. "Ewwww!!" I shriek. "Why did you lick my hand?" I say in disgust. "Why did you put it over my mouth." He said back. I point to where I see a gravestone. I see Skye take a deep breath. He pulls me out of the trail. The only words I see from the gravestone was Tony. "Hey I want to see that, whats your deal HEYY!!" I scream. He put me over his shoulder. I punched him in the back. "You do know that doesn't hurt right." He said. He was trying to change the topic. It was working. "Shut up and put me down!" I demanded. "No." He said. I sigh. I sway side to side because of his footsteps. I look down and back up. I just saw his butt. Let me tell you it was mighty fine. "See something you like." He said. I blush not knowing I was staring at his rear end. I hear him chuckle. "When are you going to let me down?" I ask. Everything happened so fast. I was now on my feet, my hands on his shoulders and a bad case of the dizzys. I pushed myself off of him and took a step. Then I was falling. I felt two muscular hands circle my waist and bring me up. "Woah are you okay?" He said. Worry in his tone. "Oh look at that beauty boy is caring for me." I teased. I turned around and saw a blush on his cheeks. He was sputtering for a few seconds. "I'm just joking honey bottom. I'm fine just a little dizzy thats all." I say. He blushes even more. He sits me down and I take a look around my surroundings. It was another clearing. Nice side of the hill, flowers everywhere, a river cutting the land in two. Wow its just breathtaking. He sighed and sat next to me. I put my head on his shoulder. "This is amazing." I managed to say. He looked at me and smiled. I touched his cheek. "You should smile more often." I say. He looks at me, no, stares at me. "What?" I asked. He opened his mouth to say something but shut it and shook his head. He then looks at the beauty in front of us. He wraps an arm around me. I smile, glad that I bumped into him. My eyelids get heavy and soon they clamp shut. I feel the ground beneath me disappear. I clutch the warm fabric closer to me. I was rocked back and forth because of his pace. I hear him mutter "Dang, where does she live." Whoops. I felt the warmth disappear. I felt the cold ground. I groan, not wanting to wake up. I open my eyelids when I see Skye ruffling up his hair. I sit up "Skye." I said trying to get his attention. He looks at me and raised a questioning eyebrow. "Can I stay at your place?" I blurt out. I was going to say something else but my mouth had a mind of it's own. I put a hand over my mouth. "Look I didn't mean to say that I meant to say something else." I say around my hand. He just bursts out laughing. "What?" I squeak. "Your face is adorable, you looked so nervous." He managed to say through laughs. I blushed. "If you still want to come over then you can but I don't think your parents will approve." He said. I took out my phone and called my mom. ( Italics - Ashley, Bold + Italics - Mom )

Ring... Ring.. Rin-

"Hi sweetie."

"Hi mom."

"Do you need anything? You usually call when you need something."

"That is not true."

"Then name a time you didn't need something."



"Point taken, I was wondering if I could stay at a friend's house."

"Friend's house?"


"Who is it?"

"Who is who?"

"Who is your friend? You never say friend's house you always say Piper's house or Amy's house."

"Umm... Skye."

"A boy now hmm..."

"Mom not like that."

"Hahaha just teasing honey okay your brothers will pick you up since I have work in the morning."

"Okay bye mom love you."

"Love you too bye."

Call ended

He looks at me expectantly. "I can stay over." I said. His jaw dropped in shock. I laughed at him as his cheeks turned pink. "My brothers will pick me up though." I said. He just nodded. I stretch out my arms for him. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Piggyback ride please." I asked. He stared at my face while I gave him the most cutest face I could muster up. "Fine". He said a glint of humor in his tone. I jump onto his back and put my hands around his neck carefully. "Well show me the way trusty steed!" I scream at the top of my lungs. He just chuckles and runs to his car. I didn't bring mine because it was just a 20 minute walk to my house to the park. I slide into his car which is a green Chevrolet Camaro 2010 (Look at pic). "Comfy?" He asked. I turned to look at him "Yeah." I said. He gives me a smile. He had a dazzling smile. I look out the window. I've been noticing lots of things about him lately. His dazzling smile, his sweetness, his personality. These are things a girl notices in a guy she liked. Yeah I admit it I like him. I sigh, over the few hours with him I just grew to like him more. To be honest he probably doesn't like me back. We just met like a few days ago. I take a glance from him. He was lost in thought as well but also paying attention to the road. Over the minutes I still wonder whether he likes me or not. I see a nice house and know that we are already here.

Hello what do you think? I am thinking about changing the title. Should it stay Our Story, or should I change it to Falling For The School's Loner, or Her Story. Give me your opinion please. Thank you.

--Kay Kay

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