Chapter 3

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  "Stupid clown bastard. Making me go back to school..." Rin mumbled under his breath.

  When they'd gone to meet with Samael, Rin had not been expecting to go back to school. He thought he'd be sent terrorizing people like Amaimon was! But no, the stupid bastard decided his place was in a classroom. He wouldn't be surprised if later today after classes Mephisto would tell him to join the cram school again as well.

  He was in the advanced classes though, for once in his life, so he wouldn't have to worry about the teachers recognizing him. From the two he'd had to sit in on so far, class was going to be a cinch. While Assiah had only advanced five years, Gehenna had gone five hundred. So with a large amount of time on his hands, along with nothing to worry about besides his training and the occasional fulfillment of his duties as a demon king, he'd studied everything the human (and demon) world had to offer. It had been boring at times, but it gave him something to do.

  And to make matters worse, he was a transfer student. No peaceful relaxation for him in class, the teachers expected him to be working his ass off.

  "Faust-san," it also didn't help that Mephisto decided to make him the nephew of his human alias. Everybody expected so much from the "nephew" of the principal of the esteemed True Cross Academy. "Please answer the equation on the board."

  Damn. He had wanted to continue sleeping. Stupid teachers. Stupid clown. Stupid him. At least the problem was easy, for him at least.

  "Y is equal to the value of x multiplied by the square root of a subtracting b over 2 multiplied by the square root of a." This was finished by a tired sigh, "Are you happy now?"

  To say the class (and teacher) were shocked would be an understatement. He was obviously in the advanced courses, otherwise he wouldn't be sitting with them, but to answer the question perfectly without physically working it out after sleeping through most of the period, this was almost unheard of.

  Their dumbass expressions though, brought a smile to Rin's face. His tail began to sway happily with his mood.

  With many cases like this repeating throughout the periods he had until lunch, along with a few other factors, and he quickly became the "cool" guy he had always wanted to be when he was more focused on being human. It was honestly more annoying than anything else.

  They decided to crowd around him outside when he sat down to eat the bento he had prepared the night before (he remembered the ridiculous prices of the cafeteria, and the clown still had yet to give him an allowance that could cover eating there everyday. Grocery money was provided, but not school allowance, the bastard.) and thought it best to chat his ear off. The guys were asking him to join their clubs (he may or may not have shown off a little in gym earlier) and the girls were trying to feed them much like they had done to Yukio. That and they were asking to be his girlfriend. None of them were letting him get a word in, he couldn't say no to any of them. So tomorrow's lunch priority would include escaping before they found out where he was eating lunch for the day. Sounds good.

  So by the end of the school day, Rin managed not to punch any of the children in the face (no matter how much he wanted too). That was a personal best.

  As he walked out of the building to go to the house Samael had given to him and Amaimon, it was no surprise when the clown himself walked up to him in his dog form. He honestly would have been more surprised if he had been left alone for the day.

  "Begone devil. I will not stand for thy temptations wrapping around me like a midsummer's night breeze any longer, foul Mephistopheles. Begone accursed devil."

  "Very funny 'Faust'."

  "I try. Thank you for noticing," he said with a sly grin.

  Mephisto sighed at this. Sometimes his youngest brother was a pain, but he could be useful.

  "Now that you're done fooling around, I have something I want you to do."

  "I thought I was the one who was supposed to be giving orders."

  "Rin, you should be a good little demon and listen to your elder brother, ne~? Now, I need you to do something."

  "Okay, okay Samael I get it. What do you want me to do?"

  "Join the cram school again."

  "Nooo, really?" What did he tell you? The clown would want him to join the exorcists in training. Big shocker.

  "Rin..." The rest was left unsaid.

  "I get it, I get it."

  "Make sure you keep yourself hidden. You saw what happened last time you were revealed as the bastard of Satan."

  "So should I wear a hood or something? That seemed to work for Shura."

  "That's fine, I just want you to keep the fact that you have demon blood hidden for as long as possible. It's no fun when they figure it out quickly, and they most definitely will figure it out quickly. I see you're still not a gentleman?"

  "Keeping my tail tucked in is annoying though! I have to wear loose clothing and I can't move it. Feels a lot better just keeping it out. Besides, I was planning on tucking it in anyways."

  "Just make sure you do, Rin."

  They were in front of his place by now. Rin took out his key ring, selecting the one for the cram school out of the other keys that led to places within Samael's domain.

  "Well, I'm off for now clown bastard." Mephisto turned with a huff at this.

  The halls were just the same as he remember, same with the classroom. Seems like he was the first one here. With a snap of his fingers, he created a black hoodie that had a deep enough hood to cover his face. He quickly wrapped his tail around his waist, and sat in the back of the classroom. He was just in time too, because a few other students began to trickle in.

  By the time they all came in, he could tell it was going to be a larger class. Well, at least for an exorcist cram school. He counted ten, including himself. he wondered how many were going to quit before the schooling was through.

  He was startled out of his thoughts by the door opening and the teacher coming in. It was nothing important, so he went back to thinking and trying to move to a position that was squishing his tail.

  It was only when the teacher began asking who had not received a temptaint, that he looked up. He noticeably stiffened as he saw who it was. Fuck, that stupid shitty clown! Why the hell wasn't he told it was Bon?


  Sorry for such a late update!! I feel so shitty for not updating sooner on any of my stories, but I've been real busy. It's towards the end of the school year, so they start busting out exams and make us students work our asses off. So updates on this and my other stories are going to be pretty slow from now on.

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