home not so sweet home

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"Sang!" my mother screeches from downstairs, causing me to cringe. I scramble to a sitting position, and as quickly as possible, get out of bed and rush to the door.

I don't know what I did wrong this time, but I am sure it is something completely imaginary that had only happened in her head. Now she is upset again, just waiting to dish out her punishment to me as my father and sister watch on. I only have a few weeks until I turn eighteen before I can be free from this home, and unlike my sister Marie, I am ready to be gone. I am actually sure she will never leave home. Not me, though, I have other plans, first of which is getting out of here. My hard work at school paid off as I had managed to land a full-ride scholarship to my top pick in schools, and thanks to the job I had gotten when we moved to Charleston three years ago, I have enough money saved to get my own place plus everything I need to get started. Luckily, I had found an attic space in my room and a loose board that I had gotten moved enough to stash my money there. Thankfully no one else had managed to find my perfect hiding spot.

"Sang! Now!" My mother screeched again, louder this time, and I know my lollygagging is going to cost me-whatever punishment she previously planned will be much worse. I pick up my pace and almost run straight into my father who must have been starting up the stairs to fetch me himself.

My father grabs my arm roughly and proceeds to drag me in the direction of the living room. His longer strides make it hard to keep up, with my legs being significantly shorter, and I stumble into the living room. When he stops abruptly, I tumble some and almost fall, but his grip on my arm keeps me from falling completely. He quickly shoves me to the center of the room, as if I am to be on display. I scan the scarce living room, where, sitting on the dusty, old, burnt orange colored couch are Marie and our mother, both with matching devious looks on their faces. I instantly move on to take in the rest of the area when my I notice a tall man with jet black hair and dark eyes with a scar running down the length of his face. I shrink away from him, the look on his face is one of pure evilness, and I have a feeling he is why my mother has called me down. She would never just let some stranger into the house, especially a male, unless there was a purpose.

"Strip," my mother sneers. I blink rapidly for a moment, sure I had heard her wrong. Surely, she doesn't mean for me to take my clothes off, not here, and not in front of a male, an unknown one at that.

"Strip now," my mother hissed. Tears blur my vision, but I refuse to let them fall. I won't give her the satisfaction of not only humiliating me but also allowing her to see me cry.

I close my eyes briefly and swallow back my tears. When I'm back in control, I open them and look into my mother's as I lift my shirt over my head. I never let my sight leave her blue malicious one as I drop my shirt to the ground. I'm humiliated, but I won't let her see that. I will remain strong, even if I am breaking inside. My eyes still locked on hers, I unbutton my jeans and release the zipper before I pull on them slightly until they drop to the ground. I step out of my jeans, and I'm now down to my underwear and bra. I stand there straight as possible, hoping she will let me remain in my under clothes. Marie leans over and whispers something to our mother, and I look around seeking out my father. He remains where he has been since he shoved me into the center of the room, but now he is turned away, not looking at me. I try and avoid the stare I can feel boring into my body and almost succeed but a movement out of the corner of my eye has me looking at him. The lewd expression on his face sends my stomach rolling, and I feel the bile work its way up, before I swallow it down. I turn my gaze away from him and find myself staring into Marie's dark glare, so full of hate, and I have to wonder what I ever did to her to get this kind of feeling from her. I always thought sisters were supposed to stick together. Maybe I am wrong because that certainly isn't the case here.

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