Chapter 2 : Bonde-haired assholes

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Multimedia: Ha-ha, Sean Kingston - Fire burning on the dance floor you'll know why later in this chapter :) and also introducing


Christine Gabel as Molly Anne Jones



"Molly!'' I heard my mom shout from downstairs, "Yes?" I replied , with the slight irritation quite obvious in my voice , "Keagan's here ! " , Within a blink I found myself at the door , welcoming him in , with a smile plastered on my face , "Where the hell have you been?'' I Nudged him playfully , "Oh , didn’t you know , Jay-Z asked me to hang out with him last week" Keagan said sarcastically , I let out a slight giggle , "Keagan , you’re too nice to play the sarcasm game with me ?" he rolled his eyes , as if he wasn’t pleased with this thought , but I ignored it .

"So are you going to let me in?" he asked with an raised eyebrow ,  "Sorry , come on in ''  I replied , giving him a welcoming smile ,there was something different about him today , Vie know Keagan for ten years and we've been best friends since kindergarten and never in our entire life had he asked if he could come in , immediately I pondered of this being a whole twilight thing , where he becomes a vampire and starts acting weird by drinking blood and asking if he could ''come in'' , I smirked at the thought "What’s so amusing Mrs Jones?"  "'Mrs Jones? since when do you call me Mrs Jones " I inquired giving him one of those sexy James Bond eyebrow lifts, he shrugged, "Its my new thing '' ''Aaaaaah '' I said faking interest, I led him to the dining room where Jayni and mom found themselves comfortably, yelling at the television, it was another episode of The Bachelor, Keagan made his way to Jayni while I stood in the doorway leaning casually observing him. He looked hot , don’t get me wrong Keagan's a total babe but today he just seemed different , he roamed his eyes around the room as if he was looking for someone , looking for me , his glistening blue eyes met mine  , I flushed scarlet , and smiled in return . What the heck was that?

"Keagan, I need your help?'  the words slipped out before I could even stop them , I was desperate to brush off what just happened , He sighed , "What sup?'' , "Our Neighbours , Lezone and Darryn who just moved in and we're..." "Invited to a party!" my mom interrupted excitedly, I rolled my eyes "Yeah, we're invited and I need an outfit.” "It’s a Masquerade theme!'' Mom interrupted forth second time, "MOM!" I exclaimed, she lifted her hands in surrender, Keagan and Jayni found the quite hysterically, I couldn’t help but laugh too”Keags, will you take me to the mall?'' I requested ,batting my eyelashes , "Sure , let me just grab my keys" I did a little happy dance , and made way to the dashing red Audi A3 , I found myself gapping at Audi , Keagan chuckled breaking the moment Stella and I were having

"Jones, I think you have a little drool here " Keagan said pointing to my chin, "Hahira, funny Can I name her " I asked batting my eyelashes trying my utmost best to imitate a 5-year old He let out another carefree chuckle, that set the caged butterflies in my belly free. Crap again

"Sure what do you have in mind?''  He said stepping closer, closer, and closer   this was intense, too intense, "Uh-hum well a I was kind of thin-king we could call her Stella " I stuttered

Seriously Molly, Stella, You're such a looser honestly

 "Hmmm, Stella'' he said testing the name, "agh why not?'' "Really?" I shrieked hugging him, ''Really'' he said simply, I let go slowly, savouring the moment. our eyes met , his deep sea blue eyes scorched into me as if trying to read my thoughts , he leaned in closer , he really has the most beautiful eyes , and so did I when he leaned in further I closed my eyes , this was it , OMG , Could this be will taking our relationship to the next level , his really doing it , his about too..


''What the fuck Keagan!" I exclaimed rubbing my now read forehead , "Sorry Molly there was a fly '' he said rather awkwardly , I rolled my eyes storming to the passenger seat of the car , lifting my hands up in exasperation ,yeah yeah I know drama queen alert , but I couldn’t help but feel , I cant believe I’m saying this , but I kind of , sort felt  a little disappointed.

"Ready" Keagan rather stated then asked.

*20 minutes later*

"OMG Molly , pick something already , I’m starving'' I heard Keagan shout rather impatiently outside KiCo Boutique , KiCo was the most hip boutique in town , all the cool kids shop there . The designers were these two South African chicks name Kiara Ford, which I assume was for "Ki" and Courtney-Mae Trout, which was the "Co" I assumed. I really had to go because their latest clothing line came out and I was desperate to get my hands on it , okay , okay I know what you're thinking , KICHOLIC ALERT!

"Just a minute'' I looked at my reflection quite pleased with my outfit of choice, I settled with a white bodycon number, above the knee in length with a naked back, I took a long look at myself, I was the height of a elf and my long hair was pretty awkwardly fitted around my face, I twirled my hair, tilting my hair to the side, "Jayni!" I jumped up startled, "I’m coming” I walked out the dressing, "Wow, Molly, you look, beautiful '' Keagan gaped, I flushed scarlet and let my hair shield my face so the world could suck me in. I really am not good, at all, at receiving compliments, from people especially boys. I always feel like I have to compliment them back and it even makes it more awkward when I don't know what to compliment them on. I looked at him giving him a fifty percent sincere and 50 percent appreciative smile when

 Our rather sweet moment was interrupted when a loud siren, fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!

screech into the ears of the consumers of Bayside mall, the mall went chaos, everybody went running around like headless chickens while I stood awkwardly in the centre of the chaos, "Keag-''i started but realised he was out of sight, I was annoyed by the fact that he had abandoned me, so I did one thing, any chick would do at this time of need, I ran.

I ran towards the parking lot searching for any sign of Keagan but he really was nowhere to be seen. I gave up on my mini-search and decided to walk home, when a mustard mustang convertible sped fast into a puddle, where I found my self at the wrong place at the wrong time, SPLASH, my clothes was drenched, I got a glimpse of the asshole he had blonde hair and a dazzling smile that should be on toothpaste adds, I heard his whole entourage of hoes laugh at me.

This is so not the perfect day.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors Note:

Okay, so I get it this chapter was really boring but c'mooon cut me some slack; I’m practically a watt pad virgin :( But I promise there'll be better upcoming chapters, and please to all readers with blonde hair do not get offended x_X

Happy Reading: D

PS: This is un-edited.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2014 ⏰

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