Chapter 7

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xChapter 7x

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

7:00 A.M.

Mumford Household

Beep... Beep... Beep...

What the hell is that noise?

Beep... Beep... Beep...

What time is it?... Oh wait.


Begrudgingly, I flip over on my stomach and use all my energy to slam my hand down on the snooze button. I tug my sheet up over my head and groan into my pillow. It's too damn early for this.

How long can I wait to get up and still be catch the bus? I don't NEED to take a shower, do I? I mean I took one yesterday...

I sit up and lift up my arm, taking in a big whiff. I don't smell anything at all, which is a very good sign. More sleep for me!

I guess 5 hours of sleep wasn't the best idea for my body. I got home a lot later than expected last night, and went to sleep even later still. My brain keeps reeling with how incredible last night was. The music, the people, everything was perfect. Except for doing a face plant into the thorn bushes, but I'd rather not think about that.

The blonde haired girl suddenly flies into my mind as I'm recalling the past night's event. My stomach doesn't an insane corkscrew at the thought of her, but the harder I try to see a clear image of her, the hardest it is to grasp. That's so depressing.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

"Jesus," I mumble and crawl out from my chrysalis of blankets and turn the alarm off. Yawning, I nearly fall out of bed and quickly get up on my feet.

Whoa, too quickly, too dizzy...

Clumsily stumbling to my closet and rubbing sleep from my eyes, I hear a knock at my door. Turning I find my brother, James standing in the doorway.

"What do you want," I mumble and turn back to my closet to pull out my school's uniform- khaki trousers and an itchy navy jumper.

"Fine, if you're going to be a dick then I'll just leave," he says matter-of-factly behind me.

I turn my body towards him and stick my foot through one trouser leg, doing an awkward hop-dance while trying to pull it up. "Yes, o brother dearest?" I say sarcastically.

"Mum and Dad are pissed right now so I'd be careful around them if I were you."

My stomach dips just the slightest. "Are you sure they aren't just pissed at you? What could I have done?" I lie through my teeth. I know exactly what I could have done, or rather actually did.

"Well they aren't mad at me, that's for certain," James states.

"Whatever," I say and brush past him whilst pulling my jumper over my head. My stomach feels like it's down to my feet as I walk down the steps and into the kitchen. Maybe if I act casual they will just forget this ever happened. Or something.

As nonchalantly as possible, I grab some bread out of the fridge and put toast on. Just act cool. Don't make eye contact, but act cool.

"Marcus," I hear my father say behind me.

Praying to god that my voice doesn't give me away, I say "Yeah?" Unfortunately for me, my voice goes all high and airy when I say the word, so I cough to cover it up. Just busy yourself with the toast, they won't know a thing.

"Turn around," he says. "Ben Lovett's mom called us last night."

My stomach goes from feeling like it was lying beneath my to feeling like its in my throat, just like on a roller coaster. I turn my body very slowly towards my father, who is sitting at the kitchen table. My mum has joined him, standing behind his chair, long boney fingers wrapped around its back.

Lie. Lie. Lie. "Really? What was that about? Is she okay? Ben alri-"

"She wanted to know if we wanted her to pick you up from a McBridge concert last night because it was so late," he says, cutting me off.

"Dad, it's McBride, not McBridge," I say, and then immediately want to put my foot in my mouth. My dad raises his eyebrows at me and I know I'm in deep shit now.

"We're disappointed in you," Mum says. Like I haven't heard that one before. I brace myself for what' story come next...

"And you aren't alowd out of the house except for school and church."

I feel like my jaw has dropped to the floor. "What about my guitar lessons with Joe?"

"You have to learn that all of your actions have consequences," my dad says. Are they pulling out all of the clichés on purpose just to make me even more mad or what.

Without any thought, I walk out of the kitchen, knowing that there is no use in arguing with these people. I snatch my bag and my coat off the hook and walk out the front door, slamming the door behind me.

The frigid January wind is like toasty cocoa compared to the coldness inside that house.


Good day! Sorry I meant to post this like Monday but then I GOT SICK! AND IM STILL SICK! THE SICK IS THE BAD

Anywho, just gotta say that I KNOW the plot is moving rather slow right now and I KNOW you want cute

But I KID YOU NOT when I say that this story gets so adorable I was squealing when I came up with some of these ideas.

It's going somewhere, I have a definite end, I have every chapter outlined out, this will be 20 chapters long, what else can I say without spoiling the ending, nothing, cool.

THANKS FOR READIN! If by chance you feel compelled to comment or like it is more than welcomed! Hell, if you're feelin it, message me. That's the best. :D

I will see you either today again with Chapter 8 or tomorrow! That's a PROMISE, Lovelies! (I promise 8 & 9 will make you so happy it makes me so happy oh man)

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