03; {season 1}

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Chapter Three.

There was no way in hell.

Gabrielle couldn't believe her eyes. Her blue orbs darted back and forth as she looked at the screen of her old IPhone 4. This had to be a trick – she had no other explanation for it.

The brunette shared a look of disbelief with Alicia who was seated on the other side of the class. She – also – had her phone in her hand as she watched the video that had been going around since the night before.

A man ambled forwards as he attacked an ambulance worker, biting the skin of his cheek off of his face. As the cops unloaded their guns on him; he didn't budge. He kept coming and coming. Only he fell dead when there was a bullet put in-between his eyes.

Gabrielle remembered the gun shots and the screams from last night. The brunette had clung onto Madison's hand as they drove away from the scene. She didn't get a glance at what was happening – so she wasn't able to confirm the video.

"Insane, right?" asked one of her classmates. "And you were there?!"

"Drove passed it." Gabrielle nodded. "I heard the gun shots but I wasn't able to see what was happening."

The boy nodded and turned back around. Gabi shoved the stuff back into her backpack as she got up from her chair – the bell would ring any moment anyway.

"Gabi," Alicia motioned her over. The blue eyed girl joined her best friends side with a small smile. "I haven't heard from Matt all day. He didn't show up yesterday, either. I'm worried."

"Check on him after school?" Gabrielle suggested. "Maybe he's gotten sick, too, like all the others."

"No," she shook her head. "I – I don't think he's sick."

Gabrielle furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at the Clark girl. Annabelle was even worse, her fever had gone up and she wasn't able to move her muscles anymore.

There had been multiple reports of people dying due to the virus and it scared the fuck out of everyone – especially Gabi, who feared for her sisters life.

"Ladies? Am I confiscating phones today?" The girls looked up to see their teacher staring down at them. She had her arms folded over her chest tightly and a stern look on her face.

"You have to see the video." replied one of their other classmates as they focused their attention on their screen instead of her. "Ah. Bang. Kill shot, bitch."

"It's not real." Alicia rolled her eyes. "I mean, it can't be."

"Good morning students." came the principals voice over the intercom. "The district had decided that today will be a half day. I repeat, today will be a half day."

There was a knock on the door and Madison came into view. "Do you mind?" The teacher nodded and the blonde ushered to her daughter and Gabrielle. "I want you both on the bus."

"What's going on?" asked Alicia as she slid her phone into her back pocket of her jeans.

"People are worried about the shooting." explained Madison as she slightly pulled the two away from the other students.

"Wasn't that fake?" Alicia raised her eyebrows before glancing at her best friend with an unreadable expression on her face. She looked back to her mother and saw she was being serious.

"I want you home." Madison said sternly – not answering her question. "Both of you."

"What about Nick?" she asked worriedly.

Alicia cared more for her brother than she would let on. She was just incredibly disappointed in his decisions. She had always looked up to him so she felt as if a part of her was missing.

"You'll be there when he gets back." the blonde said.

"When he gets back." Alicia repeated with a frown.

"When." confirmed Madison. "Gabrielle, dear. I want you to go home too, or our house, I don't care. You both just need to get away from here, alright?"

"Yeah, I will." Gabrielle nodded as did Alicia.

"I'll see you home." said Alicia. Madison nodded and patted both their shoulders before disappearing into the hallway. "Come on,"

Gabrielle followed after Alicia as they headed for the parking lot where the busses were waiting. All the other students and teachers were trying to either reach their cars or busses as quickly as they could.

"What the hell is happening?" Alicia muttered as they got outside in the blazing sun.

A helicopter flew over the school and Gabi whimpered slightly as her heart skipped a beat in fear. She took Alicia's hand tightly as they made their way to the closest bus. They got on and took the nearest seat to the exit of the vehicle.

"It's gonna be okay." Alicia whispered to Gabrielle as more kids came onto the bus. "I promise."

"I just want to get home." Gabi sighed as she released her friends hand. "You're not heading home, are you?"

"No," Alicia confirmed. "I'm going to see Matt."

"Just be careful." Gabrielle said as the bus began to move towards the highway. "And call me when you get home."


Gabrielle opened the door to her house and threw her backpack next to the dark brown sofa. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she inhaled the normally rose scent in her house. There was a strong and strange smell lingering in the air and it made her nauseous.

"God," she breathed – holding her shirt in front of her nose as she walked through the hallway. It was eerily quiet when she reached her sisters bedroom – the door was opened slightly and she peeked inside. "Annabelle?"

Gabrielle pushed the door open further and frowned when there was no sign of her sister. The bed was stained with blood and so was the floor. Her blue eyes widened and she rushed back to the hallway – searching every room in the house.

"Annabelle?" she called in panic. "Where are you?"

When she got to the kitchen she noticed the back door stood wide open. A trail of blood droplets following the path.

She wasn't there.

"Where the hell are you? What happened?" Gabrielle texted Annabelle in the hopes of her answering quickly.

She rubbed her face harshly with her hands and sighed. She was worried beyond sick. She was tapping her foot in worry as she looked at her phone screen. Her hands were shaking slightly as she feared the worst.

"Shit," she cussed and typed in her sisters number. Annabella's phone went to voicemail straight away and she tried again. It went straight to voicemail yet again. "Damnit. Pick up the phone."

Gabrielle slid down the wall of the living room with a blank expression on her face. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she heard police and ambulance trucks racing down the street. That was all she had been hearing that day. Panic.

"Alicia, she's gone. I have no idea what to do – there is blood everywhere." Gabrielle texted as she pulled her backpack towards herself. She closed her eyes tightly as she waited for her to reply.

"Get to my house. We'll figure this out. I'll call my mom as soon as you get here." was Alicia's reply.

Gabrielle pushed herself up from her position and wiped at her now dampened cheeks as she made her way to Alicia's house.

{I am not happy with how this chapter turned out. I re-wrote it about six times but I simply just cannot get it the way I have in my head and I apologize for that. Next chapter will be much better and there will be a lot of Nick as well.}  

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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