Powers unveiled

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~Present time~

It was a quiet night, with only a slightly chilly wind through it. I leaped from rooftop to rooftop trying to evade my pursuers, how this happened you ask? Well let me tell you:

-A few hours before-

My mission was clear. Go in, kill the important official, get out. Not a lot can really go wrong with the simplicity of that task, however right from the start it was bound to be a failure. All the signs were there but I just had to get the mission done huh? Reckless idiot. I climbed in through the open on the top floor and from there made my way slowly and carefully down the stairs to the room where my Intel told me the man was. Slowly I crept up then put my hand on the handle my other hand ready to through the mini blade straight in between his eyes, my plan was perfect, I had planned everything down to the last detail, I couldn't be sloppy. So when I burst through the door and looked at the surprised faces of the man I was suppose to kill, a really tall guy with gelled back, blonde hair and a much smaller guy that I could only see half his face, there were a few stragglers but they weren't my concern "who the hell are you?" I snapped my attention back to the taller guy "I could ask you the same thing" my voice dead panned back. The official began to whimper, and made the mistake of thinking I actually cared "please help me! I'll pay you good money? Please he-" in that moment I threw the knife cutting off his last sentence. Now the stragglers were screaming but strangely the two men dressed different to the rest of them had no reaction "your pretty cold for a girl" the short man remarked, I turned to glare at him "shut the hell up loser, neither of you two seen me here got it?" the smaller man's eyebrow twitched "what did you call me?" I narrowed my eyes "back off I don't like killing kids" the taller laughed until the short man whispered something, he looked hella annoyed. "I'm going to kill you" he was fast. I hadn't faced anyone this strong in a while in fact he seemed familiar but I couldn't think of where I'd seen him before. I pulled out my sword hidden in my cloak, my sword clashed with.... An umbrella? "what the-?" then I noticed it wasn't a mere umbrella but a deadly weapon. I cursed under my breath as I barely dodged a bullet "hehe sorry sweetheart but we can't let you go" I twisted my entire body in mid air to dodge the flying fist which caused the air to whistle as it shot past me causing my hood to fly back and reveal my face. Everyone paused for a moment after I landed on my feet and got some distance between us "it's been a long time since I sparred with anyone as good as you, shame you have to die" I smiled under the mask that covered half my face "good luck with that, tata boys" without another word I smashed my way out the window by kicking it then jumped through the whole I'd made "this just made it even more interesting try to keep up" the other tch'd before they smashed through the window in pursuit. Which brings us back to the present moment:
A sudden change in the wind made me look back for a brief moment to realise that my two pursuers were gaining on me, and fast! I stumbled on my next jump and landed painfully in a roll giving he two behind me to pounce. The smaller guy pinned my arms behind my back painfully then pushed his knee down to add extra pressure, I gritted my teeth in order to ignore the pain "she's tougher than she looks, I think we should test out my new torture techniques on her to find out everything she knows" the taller guy shifted uncomfortably as if remembering something "nah I'm sure she'll cooperate right?" I glared at him from where I was, he sighed then the smaller guy's weight shifted for a slight moment which gave me enough time to shoot my elbow back and pin him on the ground with a knife to his throat "your fast..." As I looked at his face a feeling of familiarity came to me "have...have we met before?" He watched me with a slightly confused frown on his face, the other guy approached us slowly but I turned on him "stay right where you are or I'll kill him" I said coldly I turned back to the raven haired man "well?" He remained silent, I pulled the tall collar down to reveal the rest of his face then stopped completely. Time stopped. Everything seemed to slow down. At that moment I felt almost like there was a spotlight and just the two of us. I stared wide eyed in disbelief. The man behind the mask was....

Hey readers thanks for all the lovely comments and voting for my story! I'm really sorry for not updating in months! I've been really busy and wattpad completely slipped my mind! Please keep reading and I hope you enjoy! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

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