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We were in a vacant building block. Me a girl with glasses and black hair and a boy with short blonde hair. Danger was tense as we were all on our guard. Someone had already died but I couldn't see where or who they were. Their blood covered the girl but she didn't seem to be bothered by it. She showed no emotion but her heartbeat was rapid and unsteady. Back up was suppose to be here any moment, we needed to find a swift exit and retreat. The chain user was also here. We began to back away as the chain user came into sight. His eyes were glowing red through the darkness. The girl spoke softly "Shalnark we need to leave now" the boy nodded in response "I've seen this before...Shizuku this is-" I couldn't hear the rest of what I was saying. A sign the dream was coming to the end, but who were these people? How did I know their name?

I sat bolt up and realised I was surrounded by faces that were watching me intently. I reached for a weapon but couldn't find any "I wouldn't bother, you were searched thoroughly for anything that could cause injury. By the sound of things though you don't really need weapons with all that aura" I looked to see a tall man stand up from the crate he was sitting on and come over, he knelt in front of me and smiled "I'm Chrollo lucifer, pleased to meet you" he extended his hand but I didn't move a muscle. "What do you want?" He chuckled "nothing much other than your cooperation and understanding. I want us to be on good terms but if you act out in any way that we deem threatening..well we won't hesitate to take out that problem. Understand?" I nodded. Looking around me I could sense the strong aura around me, my eyes stopped at a girl with glasses..and black hair..her name..her name was Shizuku "is there something on my face? Why are you staring so intently at me?" I searched around more and seen the boy Shalnark I stood up quickly but found myself flying through the air, my arm pinned painfully behind my back as I landed on my face. I hissed in agony "stay down" a familiar voice whispered threateningly in my ear "those two..Shalnark and Shizuku your lives are in danger, you need to-" my face was pushed further into the ground "speak when spoken to" I squirmed under his weight but his knee applied extra pressure and he began to raise my arm almost to breaking point. "Let her finish Feitan. Shizuku, Shalnark do you know this girl?" Following Chrollo's orders, Feitan let me raise my head and released some of the pressure he'd been putting on "I would recognise her if I'd ever seen her although I can't seem to remember allot of things" a man with huge fists began to chuckle "she'd forget her head if it wasn't already attached" Shizuku punched him in the arm "that's rude" Shalnark shook his head, they all turned to me "how do you know their names might I ask?" Feitan put back the pressure "answer him or I'll break your arm" I clicked my tongue in annoyance "give me a second geez, I get these dreams..which tell me when a person will die..sometimes it's a stranger, sometimes it's someone I know" Chrollo smiled "that's very interesting, do you know how this works?" I shook my head "when I was a child I could only see a persons death by holding their wrist but now it happens in dreams now too" Chrollo stood back up from the crate "Feitan let her stand. I want to see something" Feitan released the pressure from my arm backing off but not too far to allow me to stand. Chrollo strode over "tell me does it still work when you hold someone's wrist?" I nodded "very well" he extended his arm "could you do me the honours?" I backed away "there's a side affect..it can be draining now..I black out after every time and things happen..bad things" he chuckled "whatever it is, we can deal with it" hesitantly I reached out "are you sure about this?" He nodded I clasped my hand around his wrist and closed my eyes. Then the blackout took over.

Chrollo p.o.v

The girl closed her eyes then collapsed. I caught her with my other arm as she had a solid grip on the other, aura was faintly glowing around her. "Uh boss? The glowing aura..if it gets any stronger you need to get away from her, it seems to take over and cause hell. It's some sort of demon possession I think" Pakunoda and Feitan nodded along with Phinx. "It's fine for now, we need to let her do whatever it is. I'm curious about this power" half an hour passed and nothing seemed to occur after another half an hour the girls grip slowly loosened until her hand dropped. Her eyes slowly opened, the iris seemed to be glowing a strange purple, her pupils were small almost to the point of being non existent. She blinked and the blue reappeared as she jumped away from me and backed off. Jumping as she bumped into a wall.

Darkness. Nothing but the pitch black surrounded us. Chrollo was alone. In the darkness I could see the faint outline of bodies everywhere. Chrollo had blood splatter all over him, he was talking but the words I couldn't quite hear then he turned to me. I felt cold fear crawl up my spine, freezing my legs in place, why couldn't I move? I felt pain and looked down to see my own body but with a hole where my stomach should be. I looked back at him before closing my eyes and hitting off the cold ground.

Yuna p.o.v

My eyes opened slowly, my vision was hazy. I blinked and realised where I was. I jumped up and began to back away from the sets of eyes watching me. I got a fright when I hit a wall "what did you see?" Would they know I'm lying? Time to test it out "sorry it was someone else's death. A man with..blonde hair and..chains around his wrist." I looked around them "is he one of you?" Chrollo shook his head "I've never met such a man. Perhaps we'll cross paths in the future. I have something else I must ask of you" I crossed my arms "What now?" He stood up from his previous crouched position "join us" I looked round and realised he was being serious "sorry I already have an employer" Chrollo smirked "ah the old man" my blood froze "what have you done?" Chrollo turned his back "we payed him a visit to convince him to give you to us, he was very stubborn so we dealt with him" something shot through my chest that I'd never felt in a while. Pain. Raw hard pain. I felt a blackout on the verge "Don't even try it" Feitan stepped forward, I smirked "too late" I let the darkness take control once more.

Feitan p.o.v

She smirked at us before saying "too late" a burst of aura pushed us all back as the familiar sight came into view, although it seemed more powerful this time and less in control. Aura shot out and cracked like lightening "what do we do now?" Chrollo watched "I..I'm not sure, I didn't expect for a situation like this to happen" I turned my attention back to the girl. Rage was clear on her face as she lashed out sending Shalnark and franklin who were closest, flying into crates on the other side of the room. Hisoka dodged as a flash of aura destroyed the spot where he'd previously been standing. After another barrage of aura, it suddenly stopped and a huge explosion blasted the wall of the warehouse to pieces. Cool night air settled into the room as everything calmed down and the tension vanished along with the girl. "Do we chase after her?" Chrollo shook his head "she'll be back, she'll join us to plan her revenge on the wrong people" Machi pulled herself out of some rubble "is that really such a good idea?" Shalnark and Franklin got up groaning "you've seen the damage she can cause, why would you still want her back?" Mache gestured to them and the new hole where the wall once was. "Her emotions influence her powers, we can use her hatred towards us to our advantage" that was his big plan?! To have us nearly die each time she loses her temper? Pakunoda spoke up "But we weren't even the ones who killed the old man, he was long dead by the time we got there" Chrollo smirked "but she doesn't know that"
Thank you for reading! Many many updates coming your way for Christmas!!! Maybe even a Christmas special 😉

Feitan x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora