Chapter 11: Homesick

Start from the beginning

"Don't play games!" The scariest of them all snarled, "Tell us the truth and maybe we'll kill you painlessly."

"I-I'm not!" I spluttered frantically and my face paled when I caught onto his words. Kill you painlessly. "Please don't kill me!"

"Then tell us the truth!" The scary one screamed, this time grabbing the weapon from the other guy and towering over me with it in hand.

"I am!"

"Lies!" The scary one's arm arched back as if ready to plunge it into my chest.

"No please!" It was now or never. I had better explain myself, "I came here on my own, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to trespass into your home I was running away from my father and his fiancée because they were going to send me off to boarding school and I was coming through the woods and got chased by a bear wolf thing but it stopped chasing me when I fell down a hill!" I took a deep breath and continued like my life depended on it, which it most probably did. "Then it started to rain and the cabin was the only one that keep me dry and I fell through the house." When I was done I shut my eyes tight, too scared to even look at the man. I just hoped that he believed me.

It was silent for what felt like an eternity, and I wondered if I was already dead and these were my last seven seconds where I would see my entire life flash before my eyes. But the voice of the scary man carried on, reminding me that I was still in his presence and very much alive.

He didn't sound as ready to rip my throat out as before, instead he sounded suspicious and still angry.

"And what of this?"

When I felt the locket around my neck being lifted. I opened my eye to see the man closer than before and his fingers around the heart locket.

"It was my mothers."

The scary one's expression change as his lightning eyes flashed to my face. "You must take me as stupid." Fear thudded in my heart once again and I was waiting for that heart attack to strike or at least for me to wake up from this nightmare. "This has the King's nota around your neck."

"W-Wha? I don't know what you mean!"

"Don't you dare lie to me!" This time I noticed the man's pupils enlarge and cover his colored iris before spreading over the whites of his eyes. It had to be an illusion, it just had to but as the other man went his arm around the scary one, they grew darker. "Sebastian!" He growled.

"I don't think she's lying." The stranger said seriously and I thanked God that at least one of them believed me. The scary one only narrowed his eyes and the one he had called Sebastian shook his head, "I'm serious. She's not lying. She has no idea what you're talking about."

The scary one turn back to me and narrowed his eyes and then glanced back at the Sebastian man. "And what makes you think that?"

"C'mon look at her face. She's petrified for her life. And listen to her heart beat; beats almost as if pure." The boy placed his hand on the scary one's shoulder, "Just for once listen..."

"He's right..." a new voice said.

There was a brief moment of silence and I wasn't sure what was going to happen next. Was my life saved or still doomed?

The scary one turned back to me and narrowed his eyes. He slowly, but surely began lowering the wooden weapon. He kept his eyes on me at all times.

The Sebastian guy walked over to me and squatted next to the scary guy. The scary guy glared at me and then at Sebastian before getting up and walking out of the room. Now all that was left was Sebastian and the other guy who stood a couple feet away and squinted at me.

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