Ryan closes her eyes and inhales deeply, letting it out slowly. Her breathing was uneven but taking a second to just breathe seemed to cool her anxiety.

Ryan opens the door just when she hears a familiar deviant blonde say ''We're gonna transfer out of here.''

''That's too bad'' Ryan smirks. ''And here I was thinking this year was gonna be fun.''

''Ryan'' Riley breathed out.

Her stiff smiles falters when neither blonde or brunette features change at her presence.

''I'm sorry'' A sandy blonde that sat behind Maya whispers over to the two. ''Am I missing something?''

''You came back'' Maya notes, tilting her head to the side as she completely ignores his question. ''After all this time.''

''You don't look so happy to see me'' She mumbles, going back to biting at the skin of her bottom lip.

Maya looks away from her, a brow arched as she let's out a scoff.

''Riley?'' Ryan questions, but it came out as more of a plead.

But all the brunette could do was just sit there, mouthing incoherent words considering she was stuck at a situation like this.

Her ex best friend just appears out of the blue, just as how she was when she left.

Not even Farkle had something to say, and he's a very talkative person. But here, right now, he was left blank.

Letting go of her lip, she turns to her teacher who sat at the front corner of his desk. ''Hi, Mr. Matthews.''

He nods at her with a gentle smile, the most welcoming feature she's received since she got here. ''Nice to see you again, Ms. Collins.''

Maya watches from the corner of her eye as Ryan walks over to an open seat that was available next to Farkle.

'Turns out this was gonna be a rough year.'

× × ×

Marvin and Ryan Collins walk into the quietness of Svorki's bakery, both dressed in black suit and dress.

All eyes were on them again and while Marvin didn't mind nor notice the attention, Ryan did and it didn't settle the burning pit in her stomach.

''You guys made it'' Topanga with a welcoming smile.

''It's great to see you Topanga, Corey'' Marvin smiles back.

''Hey, how come Esra isn't with you guys?'' Corey asks with a slight shake of his head.

''She couldn't make it'' Ryan blurts out before her father can utter another word. ''She wanted to but she's working late tonight.''

Ryan ignores the odd stare her father was giving her as the Matthews nod.

''Whatever happened to you guys?'' Maya questions from across the room as she stood next to her mother.

Ryan swallows deeply yet still keeps the tight smile pressed against her lips. ''Since dad got promoted, we had to move out into the country side.''

''Oh, how was it?'' Topanga asks with a spark of interest.

''It was nice'' Marvin lies. Following with his daughter scheme or not, nothing was nice about.

If anything, it was the worse any of the Collin members have ever been.

× × ×

Ryan's Outfit For The Chapter!

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Ryan's Outfit For The Chapter!

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