Bucky's Back

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"Why?" Loki sat up again, slowly, hanging his head. "What did I do this time to deserve this?"

"When you fixed Bucky's memories, you saw things. You kept digging. And so Fury made you repress some stuff. Bruce made you unrepress it, but-"

"It put me in a coma, yes, but why, my mind is capable of much more than your human-"

"Don't interrupt me," Natasha snapped. "And you went into a coma because Bruce never labels anything in this godforsaken hell hole of a lab, and he accidentally used one blue powder instead of the other- I'm not sure what exactly he did, but it stimulated your brain enough to access the secrets Fury was hiding, and then it shut your whole body down. Bruce is... I love him, but he's not a precise doctor."

"He's not that kind of doctor," Loki rolled his eyes and lifted his head. "I think I'm feeling less like death."

"Good! Because I need answers."


Loki asked and then paused, gathering his bearings.

"And I know now may not be a good time, as we have more pressing matters to discuss, but- Since when do we have owls?"

"Thor brought them home after the flying squirrels. Don't ask where he got them, I have no idea," Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Why are they in here?"

"Because they were keeping everyone up."

"I will never understand my brother's fascination with midgardian creatures. Like owls. And humans."


"No, what's rude is putting someone in a coma and yanking them out, and then shoving them back in, and yanking them out again."

"Phrasing, boom."

"What's going on in here?" Steve asked, stepping into the lab.

"Fuck. Rogers, shouldn't you be-"


"With Stark and Banner?"

"Where are they?"

"Why don't you go for a walk?" She asked, ignoring his question.

"What are you gonna do to Loki?"

"Do to me?" Loki sat up straighter. "Nobody said anything about-"

"Hush," Natasha commanded. "I think you should leave, Steven."

"I think I should stay and babysit you."

"Ex-cuse me?" Natasha scoffed, hopping off the counter. "What did you just say?"

"Can I stay please, Nat? You're beautiful and I aspire to attain your level of skill? Please let me stay?" Steve tried. Natasha shrugged.

"Well, alright. Carry him to the roof for me. We're gonna need some rope and a chair and- Do we still have the acidic toaster?"

"No," Loki scrambled off the table, trying in vain to escape the lab. Steve grabbed him with one arm. "No."

"Sorry, skinny, I need answers," Natasha smiled. She grabbed the toaster off of one of Bruce's shelves. "I might call Wade. He'd like this."

"Please do not call him," Loki pleaded as he was hefted out of the room over Steve's shoulder.

"FRIDAY, call Wade Wilson."

"Calling, Wade Wilson," FRIDAY responded. Loki and Steve groaned. One of the owls hooted.

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