Bruce to Sam

325 29 6


Hey bird boy can you come occupy Clint


Yeah why


Because of reasons but just. You two out of the house but leave Bucky


And take Natasha


And Thor if you can


Why are you clearing us out


Well #1 I'm doin somethin shady and y'all always bust in my lab unannounced like children and #2 I think Steve and Tony are gonna talk but Tony's in the kitchen which means they'll be talkin in there and we can't have people just interrupting progress


But I do need Bucky here as back up in case yknow they start fighting


Fine but someone has to live text me the deets


Tell Bucky to do that


Okay hurry up and go take the kids and Leave


Where do we go


Idfk the park or the movies or somethin idk. There's a movie about the civil war out this week I think


Ooh cool

Avengers Texts 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora