The Messages from Mom and the List

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The Message from Mom and the List

As Hermione, Ginny, and I were walking down to the Great Hall that morning, a large brown barn owl came flying towards me. We decided to just go to the Great Hall- and of course, the owl followed us.

It just loves me so much that it had to land in my Lucky Charms.

"Gods...okay, okay- I'll open up that letter in your talons!" I murmured, upset that it had landed into my cereal.

Stupid bird.

With a little bit of harassment (on the bird's part- it kept on pecking me! Who am I? Prometheus?), and the need of band aids for me, I had managed to get the package from the owl.

Well, with the help of Hermione and Ginny. Those boys (Lee, Ron, Harry, Fred, and George) are too lazy because they are still sleeping. The two girls and I agreed that we wouldn't wake them up- we ordered that to everyone in Gryffindor.

Hey, it's their fault....

No magic was involved...

Okay, that's a lie...

As the bird kept pecking at my new bagel I had to eat instead of the cereal the bird so kindly ruined and ate, I untied the package. Inside, I saw three sets of letters- I recognized one- due to the messy and scraggily handwriting- and the other one from the nice, neat and Athena child writing. The other one, though, the handwriting- I've never seen it before...

I read the first one aloud to Hermione and Ginny.

"Dear Adele,

Hope your well. I'm back at Goode High School with Rachel- how's Hogwarts? How're your friends? Your dad? Chiron told me to say that he's proud of you and he did not get the chance to tell you after the battle of the Labyrinth. We're all okay- I mean, camp. It's coming soon... the battle is coming soon. Anyway, Annabeth said that you think that there's a spy at camp? Who do you think it is? Anyway, I have to finish math homework... stupid algebra....

Send me some blue candy from Honeydukes,

Percy Jackson."

I laughed at the fact that the son of the sea god wanted blue candy. Only Percy...

"That would be my friend Percy Jackson..." I muttered, amusement in my voice and face.

I read aloud the next one, and realized by the handwriting that this was from Annabeth.


As you probably guessed, it's Annabeth Chase, your half-sister and one of your best friends.

Okay, so you know that school I go to in New York City? Well, you'd love this one class- it's one where you get to build all these things, like, a miniature city and stuff! It's the architecture class that I chose for an elective there.

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