Love Confessions

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Marinette POV~
As soon as we arrived at the park, we sat down on the swings and just talked like friends. Now I knew that I had to do it. There was no turning back. "The sky looks really beautiful", I said, setting the mood. "Not as beautiful as you", Adrien replied. I stopped, my body froze. Completely frozen. What he just said, changed everything. "Not as beautiful as you." The phrase was stuck in my mind. I started blushing like a ripe tomato, so did he. There was a long silence until Adrien spoke up. "Well I meant to say that..." He paused. "The sky may look pretty, but, you look 10 times more beautiful then the sky does. Um yeah! That's what I meant to say", He reassured. I blushed even more and flashed a huge smile. We stood there looking at the sky and then I decided it was time to tell him. "Adrien, I need to tell you something", I said, leaning in closer. "Adrien, I-I..." My sentence was paused by screams of civilians. "I have to go, I'm sorry!", I take off running off to a spot to transform. "I shouldn't have left Adrien like that. I'll tell him later. Spots on Tikki!", I said as my beautiful blue dress turned into a red suit with black spots. As soon as I went to face the villain, I kept thinking about Adrien, my true love and my only one.
Adrien POV~
"Guess it's time to transform, I'll tell her later. Plagg, claws out!", I said as I transformed to Chat Noir. When I ran to face the villain, I kept thinking about Marinette. Her smile.. So beautiful, and her eyes, like a deep blue sea... I doze off back to reality and saw m'lady fighting off the villain, so I joined her. "Took you long, kitty?", Ladybug replied while fighting the villain. "Sorry to have kept you waiting, m'lady", I reply with a grin and help her fight the villain. "Where do you think the Akuma might be?", Ladybug asked after doing "Lucky Charm!" "I think it's in his slingshot", I replied while holding off the villain. "Good eye, Chat!", Ladybug replied. I distracted the villain, stole the slingshot and threw it to LB. Ladybug broke the slingshot and de-evilized the Akuma just in time saying, "Bye bye little butterfly." "Miraculous Ladybug", m'lady said as she turned everything back to normal. "Nice job Chaton", Ladybug complemented. "You too, m'lady", I replied, doing our signature "Pound it" move. Right after Ladybug reassured the victim everything was alright, I heard a beep from both our Miraculouses. "Well see you later kitty!", Ladybug said as she was about to leave. "Wait!", I stopped her by grabbing her hand. "Chat, I-I..." I leaned in and pressed my lips onto hers, running my hands through her hair. She did the same, running one hand through my hair, one on my face. We kept kissing until we both detransformed and we were still doing it. After a few minutes we stopped, our eyes in shock as we opened them... Marinette?
Marinette POV~
Both Chat Noir and I detransformed, unveiling the person behind Chat's mask. "A-Adrien?", I responded in shock, my dress flowing with the white lace. "M-Marinette?! Your.. Ladybug?", Adrien said surprised. "Yes... And your.. Chat Noir?", I responded. "Well yeah... I didn't expect you to be Ladybug..", Adrien responded with a satisfied smile. "I didn't expect you to be Chat Noir..." Then I realized. After all this time... It's been him. My partner. My friend. Someone I can talk to. Adrien was Chat Noir. I do need him, more then anything. I smile at the thought that Chat Noir really is a great guy. Always has been, always will. I stare into his emerald eyes for what seems a century, and he stares at mine. We're both moved by sweet emotions. I realized I still haven't confessed. "Adrien I need to say something", I replied. "Oh yeah.. What is it?", He responded sincerely, with a smile. "Adrien, I... I love you", I spit out, words coming out of my mouth so rapidly, and I smile. "Adrien, I was trying to get it out of me for this whole time, and I finally got the courage to. I was going to tell you before but the Akuma came so..." He stopped me. "Marinette, today I saw a side of you that I've never seen before. I've always seen this clumsy, careless fun girl, but, your more then that. Your a beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, smart girl and you show it a lot as Ladybug. You might think that as a civilian, your just an outcast, not a big deal, lame. But.. Your not. Ladybug, honestly, isn't even compared to you. Your true side is the side that shines the most. Marinette, your perfect, just the way you are", Adrien concluded. My heart started pounding rapidly. I felt so warm and safe by his words and company. He's definitely the one, my only love. I still remember his words. "Your perfect, just the way you are" Just the way I am. I finally have the confidence to be myself around him and everyone else. Suddenly, I feel tears flowing down my face, filling my eyes. Adrien stops and stares at me with worry in his eyes. Then I get the urge to, and hug him. Not any hug, a special one. At first he looked confused, but then he smiled and hugged back. "Adrien... Thank you. Thank you so much", I pause to wipe off my tears, "I love you. More then anything in the world. And I will always come save you when your in trouble", I responded, wiping off some new tears and smiling. "I love you too Marinette... I'll always protect you. I'll always be by your side", Adrien replied. We stop hugging and I hold his hand. I laugh a little, then so does he. "Can I call you Adri? And you call me Mari?", I asked chuckling a little. "Sure, I don't mind. Both names sound purr-fect to me", Adrien said laughing too. We both smile at each other and hold hands, enjoying each other's presence. "So does this mean we're dating?", I ask, curiously and full of hope. "Well what else would it mean?", Adrien says with a smile. I smile back and place my head on his shoulder and we walk home together. How I wish this moment would never end... And it won't.

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