Billdip (Part 1)

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@SenseiDragonfruit and I did this together.
It was a sunny day and Dipper and Bill were enjoying a picnic outside of the Mystery Shack. Bill had used his magic to summon sandwiches and lemonade.
"Hey Pine Tree," Bill asked. "Is there anything else you want? Deer teeth or a screaming head or is this good?"
Dipper smiled.
"No I'm good. This picnic is wonderful." He took a bite out of his sandwich. Bill smiled and held him close.
"I'm glad you like it, Pine Tree." Dipper kissed Bill.
"I never want this to end." Bill kissed back.
"Me neither." Just then Mabel came running to them.
"Dipper! We have an emergency!" Dipper sat up and gave her a worried look.
"What's wrong?" Mabel grabbed Dipper's arm and pulled him away and into the shack. Bill wondered what was going on. Bill got up and followed after his Pine Tree.
'What does Shooting Star want now,' Bill thought confused. Even though he was an all seeing eye, he didn't know what was going on. Bill walked into the shack and saw Question Mark and Ice (Wendy.) working. He ignored them and countied to follow the Pines twins. Dipper and Mabel were in the kitchen talking to their parents. Their parents wanted to take one twin back with them to California. They were divorced now and their mother wanted both to stay, but their dad wanted one to come with him. Bill hid behind the door and listened.
'If they even think that, I'll take my Pine Tree and they are sorely mistaken.' He thought angerliy. He then listened intently to the conversation.
"Why can't they both stay!?" Mrs.Pines asked angerliy, "We're not splitting my little free spirted Mabel from my little Dipper." Dipper rolled his eyes.
"Well if you want Mabel so much, you can have her. I'm keeping Dipper and he's not coming back." Mr. Pines shouted.
"Can I say something!?" His father held up a fist.
"Sure." He kept quiet. He tried to keep his tears in him. Bill grit his teeth. He was infuriated now.
"No one threatens my Pine Tree and lives!" Bill walked into the kitchen casualy, containing his anger. Mr. Pines looked over,
"Who are you?" He asked. Dipper never told his dad. He knew his dad would get angry him if he found out. His mom was fine with it.
"This is Bill." Dipper said not facing anyone, just looking at the floor.
Bill walked up to Mr. Pines.
"I'm Dipper's boyfriend," said Bill, smirking at Mr. Pines. Dipper knew this was going to be bad. He quickly ran up to them.
"He means like a boy that's my friend."
"Maybe we should go in the living room sweetie." Mrs. Pines said grabbing Mabel's arm. She gave a look at Dipper meaning,
'It's ok bro-bro.' and they left. Bill continued to smirk at Mr. Pines.
"So your Pine Tree's dad? Can't say I'm impressed, but anyway what's this about taking my Pine Tree away to California?"
"You don't need to know. This doesn't concern you. Dipper go upstairs and pack up your things now!" Dipper didn't want to leave, but he knew what would happen if he didn't listen. He ran upstairs crying. Bill glared at Mr. Pines.
"You shouldn't make my Pine Tree cry," Bill hissed. Mr. Pines chuckled.
"I can do whatever I want with him. Now if you will move I have to go get the car started up." He said. Bill didn't budge.
"Pine Tree isn't leaving with you," Bill said in a demonic tone.
"Who says? You? I'm not scared of a little boy. Go home now! You won't see Dipper anytime soon." He tried to push past Bill. All of a sudden Bill grabbed Mr. Pines neck and squeezed. Not enough to kill, but enough to hurt.
"Now listen here you piece of shit," Bill said in a demonic tone. "Pine Tree is mine and he isn't leaving with you or anybody or else I will get them and you and turn you inside out! Got that!" Mr. Pines nodded. He was never scared but now he was. Bill smiled evilly,
"Good." Bill realesed Mr. Pines causing him to fall to the floor.
"Now leave me and my Pine Tree alone forever." He ran out of the house and didn't say a word. Bill laughed and walked out of the kitchen and headed towards the stairs that led to Pine Tree's and Shooting Star's room. Bill got upstairs and knocked on the door.
"Pine Tree?" Dipper was sobbing.
There was a crash in the room. Bill quickly opened the door and rushed over to Pine Tree. "Calm down Pine Tree, I made your father leave." Bill quickly explained. The mirror was broken and Dipper was sitting on the floor crying.
"He'll come back, I just know it!"
"Not while I'm still around," said Bill as he went down to the floor and hugged Dipper. He burried his head into Bill's chest.
"I'm so scared Bill." Bill held him close and stroked his hair.
"Don't worry Pine Tree, I'm here and I will always be here no matter," he said soothingly.
"Promise?" Dipper looked up with teary eyes. Bill smiled lovingly,
"Promise." Dipper smiled and kissed him.
"I love you Bill." Bill kissed back.
"I love you too Pine Tree." Bill picked up Dipper bridal style and walked over to Dipper's bed and set him down gently.
"I'm sorry you had to meet my dad like that. After the divorce he got a little angry with me."
"It's okay Pine Tree," said Bill "But if he ever comes back to take you away, I'm going to rip him limb from limb."
"Thanks, but he's still my dad."
"Fine," huffed Bill. "but can I at least terrorize him or something?" Dipper smiled.
"Just a little." Dipper started to tear up like he was going to cry again. Bill hugged and comforted Dipper,
"It's going to be alright Pine Tree," soothed Bill. "It's will always be here to protect you." Dipper slammed his fists in the bed.
"It's not fair! He always does this!"
"Then I'll make sure he doesn't." Bill said.
"How!" Dipper put his head down. "We both know you can't protect me forever." He said quietly.
"Then why don't we go to the mindscape together?" Bill asked. "Your father can't bother you there."
"Bill, we talked about this. I can't go. Everything else is good. I just..... wished he liked me. He's my dad and he doesn't like me." Dipper held his knees to his chest.
"I can't imagine why he doesn't like you." Said Bill. Dipper looked at Bill.
"He says I'm stupid, Mabel was supposed to be the only one, and I'm......a mistake." Dipper was quite. Bill held Dipper close to him.
"You're not a mistake," he soothed. "You are one of the smartest mortals that I know."
"Why can't he see that. I try so hard...... and this happens." He rolled up his sleeves. Bruises, marks, cuts, you name it, were on him. Dipper Pines, the smartest teen, was finally broken. Bill's eyes widend with horror.
"Dipper, did you do this to yourself?" Bill asked worried. Dipper nodded, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Dipper, promise me you won't hurt youself again," Bill said. "I can't bare to see you like this."
Dipper nodded, "It hurts Bill. Please..... make it stop." Bill nodded and started to heal his wounds. After Bill healed the wounds, Dipper curled up into Bill's chest. Hot tears started to stream down his cheeks. Bill hugged Dipper and wiped away his tears. He then kissed him on the forehead.
"I'm sorry you had to get into my life." Dipper sniffled. Bill starred Dipper right in his eyes.
"Being a part of your life is the best thing that has ever happened to me," he said sincerely. Dipper grew a smile on his face.
"I love you Bill." Bill smiled back.
"I love you too Pine Tree." He said and kissed Dipper.
"Hey. You called me by my name." Dipper relized. Bill hardly ever did that. Bill smiled and kissed Dipper again.
"Of course Dipper." Said Bill. Dipper smiled.
"Bill, I'm still a little scared. Can you stay with me tonight?" Bill smiled and nodded.
"Anything for my Pine Tree." He said. They both covered up underneath the blanket together. Dipper had his head on Bill's chest. Bill wrapped his arms protectively and somewhat possessively around Dipper and smiled down at him.
"Sweet dreams my Pine Tree." Bill whispered into Dipper's ear. Dipper soon feel asleep, but soon his sweet dreams turned bad. His father was torching him. He wanted to run, but he just couldn't. Dipper jolted up screaming.
"NNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Dipper was crying out loud. Bill gave Dipper a worried look and wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. Bill stroked his hair soothingly.
"Don't worry Pine Tree I'm here." Said Bill comfortingly. "Your safe." Bill hated seeing his Pine Tree like this, and it was all Dipper's asshole of a father's fault. The thought of Pine Tree's dad angered Bill to no end. Dipper soon felt comfortable with his dorito and fell asleep. This time there was no nightmares.

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