Chapter 12

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Hey guys i'm so sorry i havn't uploaded in a few days i didn't have any internet:( Enjoy


*A week later* 

I was back from hospital. I had to start counciling and i had my mom watching me every second.

''Hello'' She said once i woke up

''Hi'' I said 

''How are you feeling'' She asked 

''Good'' I said 

''Good well get ready for today'' She Said 

''Do I really haveto go'' I asked 

''Yes'' She replied 

''But i dont want to go'' I said 

'''Well you have to'' She said 

''Well why cant you just forget that this all happened'' I said 

''We CANT you tried to kill yourself'' She said 

''So'' I said sarcastically 

''It's for your own good'' She said begining to cry

''Fine'' I said 

''Come on so'' She said 

I got dressed and went out to the car. My mom dropped me to the counciling place. We didn't speak for the whole car journey.We walked in and waited to be called.

''Hello'' The phychiatrist said once i had walked into the room 

''Hi'' I said 

''So i hear you havn't been feeling to well'' He said 

''No'' I replied 

'''Tell me whats been happening'' He said 

''I'm cutting myself and i tried to kill myself'' I said 

''Okay and why have you been feeling this bad'' He said 

I explained about leah and my dad and everything else.Once i left i felt so much better.

''So how'd it go'' my mom asked

''Great'' I said 

''That's good''  She said 

''I was talking to Demi'' She said

''And'' I asked 

''You can go back on saturday'' She said 

''Yay'' I said 

''Thank You'' I said 

''But you have to promise to keep going to the pyschiatrist'' She said 

''I promise'' I said and we went home 

*Few days later'* 

It was saturday night.I was returning to the x factor it was now week 9 i had two more weeks untill the final i was soclose.I hadn't been on in 2 weeks.

''Hello Demi'' I said walking over to her

''Hey alex'' She said 

''I'm so glad your back'' She said 

''Your my only act left in the compitition'' She said 

''Am i'' I asked i had missed the results show last week 

''Yes'' She said smiling 

''What song am i going to sing'' I asked her 

''The same song you were going to sing before you know what'' She said 

''Okay'' I replied 

We went to rehersals and then we waited for the show to start.. A while later the show started all the acts sang and then i had to go on last

''And now with her comeback It's Alex'' Mario Lopez said 

I walked out on stage and sang ''The scientist'' By coldplay. When i finished everyone was cheering and clapping i even got a standng ovation from the Judges even simon.

''We're so glad to have you back alex'' Demi Said 

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