Chapter 3

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I kept crying. I hate my life at the moment i said to myself.I heard Someone come up the stairs. I ran over to my bed and dived under the covers.My arm was hurting alot.

''You OKay'' my mom said when she opened the door.

''Yup i'm fine'' I said 

''Are you sure you look like you've been crying'' She said 

''I'm sure'' I said 

''Okay good night sweetie'' She said 

''Goodnight mom'' I said 

*The Next day*

I woke up got dressed did my hair and make-up.I left early so my mom would say nothing about me meeting up with jake and so she wouldn't say that i couldn't go. I closed the door very gently behind me. I walked down to the park where we were all meeting up.Jake was already there.

''Hey'' I said when i arrived

''Hey babe'' Jake said kissing  me 

''Sorry bout the other day'' I said 

''It's okay babe'' He said 

''So what are we doing today'' I said 

''Well your taking the drugs because you didn't the last day and made me look like a idiot because my girlfriend was too scared to take the drugs'' He said 

''Jake no'' I said 

''Seriously alex dont be stupid'' He said 

I don't care i'm not taking the drugs'' I said 

''Fine be a bitch'' He said 

''Fine maybe i will... I'm not getting involved in your shit'' I said 

''Not this again.. '' He said 

''What'' i asked 

''Your turning into a good girl'' He said 

''No I'm not'' I said 

''Then take the drugs'' He said 

''Fine'' I said I knew i was going to regret this

''There you happy'' I said 

''Yes'' He replied 

''Can we just hang out now'' I said 

''Sure but we're meeting up with the gang and getting pissed'' He said 

''I'm not'' I said 

''You are if you want to be one of us'' He said 

''I'm done'' I said walking away 

''Okay babe..  By the way i'm breaking up with you'' He said 

''No Jake why'' I said 

''You want be one of us.. so do what we do .. if you dont then goodbye'' He said 

I ran home. i need to talk to ciara.When i got home my mom was still in bed.''Well atleast this saves me from being in more shit'' I thought to myself .I rang Ciara.

Warrior (Demi Lovato Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz