Chapter 7

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Anthony's POV (Tianna's cousin)
It's been 2 months since Tianna died. Everyone's been sad especially Tianna's friends. They've been staying here in her room, I'm guessing to be closer to her. We've all agreed to keep training and defeat the hunters. Tianna's friends have been training too. They want revenge for Tianna's death. We haven't gone back to the cliff since the attack. Isabelle is working just as hard as the girls; she loved Tianna because she was the youngest. Her life shouldn't have ended that fast. Our parents were worried because Tianna was the most powerful wolf in a long time and the only person who could have stopped the hunters once and for all. I didn't know what was going to happen when we go up against the hunters, but we'll try.
Tianna POV
It's been 2 months since the attack. I can see my family and friends training in my visions. I've been training ever since that night. I've become more powerful and more skilled at using my powers. My ancestors helped me train, pushing my body to the limits. I had come across some hunters in the last month but I'd always hidden and they just past. My ancestors stopped me from attacking them so I am ready when the time came. I've been in the forest, behind the gym, where my family train, so I can stay close. I've sensed the sadness in the house and can hear the cries of my family at night. I feel horrible that they think I'm dead while I am actually alive. Again. But it's worth it because ever since I 'died', the hunters have stayed away, but I have a feeling that won't last forever. I was training on my strength and stamina at the moment. I felt more powerful than before, my ancestors had explained that I wasn't fully a werewolf before, but when the accident happened my wolf didn't only come out fully. It came out as the royal which it was meant to be. I had to train so I could control my powerful wolf. I had trained it to not signal my family and to only speak to the ancestors, who guide me. I was doing me usual workout when I smelt a person coming, but they didn't smell completely human. I stopped and hid behind a tree and small bushes. I could hear them running in my direction. I stood out from behind the tree to see the person, but was met with them crashing into me. The person stepped back fast as if they were scared. When I looked at their face a flashback of a memory came back I had forgotten about...
Flash back
"Tianna get off me. I know your stronger, ok get off," Nat laughed as I pinned her to the ground for the fifth time.
"Oh, come on Nat did you really think just because it was your fifth time trying this, that you would win?" I said back as I smiled down at her since I was still pinning her. I got up and offered a hand which she accepted. It was just I normal day for us. I was 15 and Nat was 14. We are always playing about. We acted more like sisters than friends. Nat and I had been friends since I was 5. We clicked straight away and were stuck with each other now. We were at the park near my house. After we got up we both heard the ice cream truck that drives by. We both looked at each other knowing we were going to get one, I was about to turn to go but I saw Nat's face drop.
"What's wrong Nat?"
"I got no money for ice cream," she replied.
I just smiled. "I'll pay for it. Just go sit at the table under the tree. Ok?"
She smiled. "Thanks." With that she went to the tree and I walked to the truck. I just payed for the ice cream and thanked the man, when I heard a scream. I turned to see a man grab Nat from behind. I ran as fast as I could to go help.
"Nat!!" I screamed as tears came to my eyes.
"Tianna, help!!!" She screamed and tried to get out of the hold. I ran faster. I'm not letting her get taken so easy. The man's back was faced to me; I jumped on to his back and started to hit him while yelling for help. The man dropped Nat, grabbed me and threw me to the ground. My vision was going blurry but I could still see and hear Nat being taken.
With the last bit of energy I had left I got up and ran after them again. This time I had some adults, which had seen what was going on, trying to help. I ran as fast as I could but I knew that I couldn't catch up. With one last burst of energy I ran faster. I was a couple meters behind them when I heard the scratching of tires. All of a sudden a van came stretching into the car park. The door flow open and the man with Nat entered the van and sped off. I collapsed to the ground balling. I let them take her. What if they do something horrible to her? I should have run faster or fought more. I just lost my friend. My sister.
After that, police searched for her for days but ended up with nothing. I locked myself in my room. I stopped talking and rarely ate. I was depressed. After months of crying myself to sleep and not talking to anyone, something in me pushed me to get up and live life. After what happened to Nat, I became protective of everyone I loved. I started to work out so if something like that happened again, I would be able to fight back.
End of flash back
That was 3 years ago. I'm now 18 and all of my friends are 17. I looked at the girl in front of me in shock.
"Nat?" I questioned. It looked like her but I didn't know, the last time I saw her was a long time ago.
"Tianna?" The girl questioned back. I started to cry as I nodded.
"Yeah it's me." At that she hugged me so tight it actually hurt a little. I pulled back in shock. I shouldn't have felt pain.
"Nat, when you hugged me, it hurt. No human hug should hurt me."
"That's 'cause I'm not completely human, anymore. Tianna, I know you're a werewolf. When I was kidnapped all those years ago, it was the hunters. They did something to me. They made me a bionic soldier."
"Nat please tell me you're not here to kill me." I said, thinking about the other hunters that had come for me.
"Of course not. I was at the base when I overheard some people say that the most powerful wolf was dead, I was happy because I had learned to be a hunter. However, I was curious about the wolf so I asked some people. One said that you were killed by a vampire who worked with us. After I heard your name I couldn't focus. I ran away to see if it was true. They chased after me, that's why I was running and now, here we are." I pulled her into another hug. I had missed her so much.
"So you're bionic. What powers do you have?"
"I have super strength, super speed and like a computer as a brain," she answered. I brought her back to the little cabin I found at the beginning of the month and lived in now. We talked and talked. I asked if she would help me in the battle against the hunters, she agreed. Now we train, I told her everything since this started and she knew that I'm not in contact with anyone. We go to sleep after hours of talking. Now our side has a bionic person and the strongest wolf alive on it. The hunters don't stand a chance. Now we just wait for the right time to end this...

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