Chapter 10: Scarlett

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Scarlett's Pov:
I stood with my back against the door, smiling like a love struck fool.

Phoenix just asked me out.

It was so surreal, I move to a new town and meet an amazing guy the first day I get here. It was almost too suspicious to be real. Honestly, I refused to acknowledge that fact, I believed Phoenix wouldn't intentionally hurt me.

We had only known each other a few days, but when I was with him it felt like it had been years.

I chuckled to myself in disbelief. My first week here and I might have found something long term. I went to my phone and saw Phoenix's text and a text from my brother saying he left this morning.

Dinner with him went well, it was bittersweet. I knew he'd be back and I'd get to see some of his games but I still liked knowing he was twenty minutes away rather than a few hours.

I still hadn't told my parents about that night in the alley. I didn't see a reason to, I wouldn't be seeing that man again. As far as I knew he'd been arrested on battery and attempted rape charges. I didn't see a reason to tell them when the only thing it would do is cause unnecessary worry.

I've only talked to them a few times since I moved out. I admit, I miss my father, but I like being on my own. I like being able to decide for myself. When I go to work on Monday, and start making some friends and money, everything will fall into place.

I was looking forward to work, to be honest it gets boring being here by myself all the time. I have had years of high school to be lazy and be a hermit. Now, I had the motivation to do something.

But, I'm going to take advantage of my last days of not working. I'm going to be lazy and catch up on my Netflix.

That's exactly what I did. I sat on my ass all day long, snacking on whatever I wanted, and watching an entire season of Burn Notice. I hadn't watched it before and I loved it.

Before I knew it, it was six and I was hungry despite the unwarranted snacking I did all day. I decided to go out and get some fresh air and some dinner. I knew this area and I wasn't afraid of getting felt up by huge alley guys around here.

I grabbed my wallet and keys and decided to go to a local restaurant. It was one of those types of restaurants that you can get absolutely anything takeout. It's literal restaurant food but you can take it home.

I lived in the country my whole life so people shouldn't judge my excitement.

I walked up and ordered the fettuccine Alfredo, Italian garlic bread, and a vanilla milkshake. Extremely fattening and a little odd but so good. I got the small size shake so it made me feel less guilty.

I already had plans to go to the gym tomorrow, so I'll spend my last night enjoying my freedom to eat what I please before I try to lose my recently gained weight. Most teenagers can eat whatever they want and not gain anything but me, I can gain a pound from eating a cookie.

I walked back to the apartment and dug in the second I got there. I went back to my Burn Notice and started to fall asleep.


I woke up feeling extremely bloated. I instantly got up and went to my room to get a pair of shorts, a tank top, and a sports bra. There was a gym about 2 miles down the road. The jog there will be my warm up.

I grabbed my keys and started jogging down the sidewalk. It was still pretty early so there weren't a lot of people, but there were people going to work. I kept the pace for the first mile, I sped up a little for the second. I did track for a few years in school, so running was simply a warm up for me.

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