Love has brought me to you

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Yuna POV

I woke up to the sound of my brother almost burning down the house I jumped out of bed think that we were going to die i got dressed out of my pajamas in to my school uniform I put my long platinum blonde in to a high ponytail and put on my make up and run downstairs eat breakfast grabbed my backpack my shoes and my car keys i run out my baby blue Mitsubishi eclipse 

I woke up to the sound of my brother almost burning down the house I jumped out of bed think that we were going to die i got dressed out of my pajamas in to my school uniform I put my long platinum blonde in to a high ponytail and put on my make u...

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Kosuke POV

I saw my sister rushing she ate her breakfast grabbed her backpack her shoes and her car keys but she forgot cheer leading bag as she pulled out of the driveway i ran outside as she drove away i tried to stop her maybe she is just excited or sad because she did get a call from her boyfriend who happens to be a retired captain Shoichi Imayoshi he is graduating today and she wants to be there with him as he leaves Too Gauken Academy and retires his number to me and I become captain I have hope that he will love my sister even though he is gone and she can understand that he may come back for her and not let her go I love my sister she is everything to me

Love never fails (Imayoshi Shoichi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now