Moving Day

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"Bye mom and dad I'm moving to my new house today," I said as went to my car.

"Bye sweetie always come and visit us," mom said while her and dad waved good bye. I waved back and soon was on the road driving to my new house.

-time skipped when you arrived at the house-

I finally arrived at the new house. I got out of my car and went straight inside. I was large with a big kitchen, and a big open space for the living room and dining room. I went up stairs and looked at at my room it was a big room with a walk in closet and a huge bathroom. Once I finished looking around I went to the car and started unloading the trunk. I was still waiting when the moving trunk would come. "Aphmau where are you and why did you eat my cupcake," I heard someone shouting from next door. That's when I realized I heard APHMAU. I saw a girl with black hair and light hazel eyes.

"A-Aphmau is that you," I said/asked.

"Y/N OMI I didn't know you were moving her," she said while hugging me.

"Hey who was that screamingly?" I asked her.

"O-oh can you hide me and it was Zane," she said while going behind me.

"Aphmau where did you go," he said while looking for her.

"Oh and of our friends are here to," she said/whispered.

"Wow so even Garroth is here," I asked. She just nodded. "Aphmau I'm going to finish unpacking my stuff," I said while walking to my car.

"Hey I'll help," she said while walking over with me. We finished unloading everything from my car so now all we had to do was wait until the moving truck comes p. It's been a few hours and it still hasn't show up I though in my head. Right when I said that here I comes.

"Hey Y/N I'm going to get the boys to help out so be right back," she said while running off. I got a few boxes.

"Hey Aphmau your back," I said when I look around I saw everyone. I looked so surprised I thought she was kidding about everyone being here but nope every one it here. "Wow you weren't kidding everyone does live in this neighborhood," I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Hey babee~" said a familiar voice come from behind I grabbed their hand and flipped them. Oh it's just Travis I thought to myself.

"Travis don't ever do that again," I said while walking to get a box.

"Ok let's start," Aphmau said with excitement. They all nodded and grabbed some boxes.

-time skipped to when we're done-

"Thanks guys for helping," I said.

"Anything for an old friend," Dante said.

"Well we better get going," Laurence said.

"Yeah see you later," Garroth said. They all walked towards the door and said their good byes it was just me and Aphmau finishing putting things like plates and glasses away.

"Well we are done finally," I said to myself while falling on the couch.

"Yup but anyway I have  get going," Aphmau said while she said bye and walked out the door. I locked up the door and put on some anime shows. It was getting late so I just went up to my room and changed into pj (pic above). Soon I fell asleep.

Not Alone (Zane x Reader my street) [book1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang