Start from the beginning

"The pictures were taken years ago, maybe when I was around 5 years old? Oh, wait..." she trailed off, remembering something.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Around that time, was when I got this scarf and my parents was still alive..." she told him.

Silence. He was once again taken back, no matter how close they are, there was still somethings that she couldn't openly tell him.

"Alright...I decided." she suddenly said.

"Decided what?" he asked.

Angel turned to Karma and flashed a huge grin making him blush.

"I'll ask him about this picture, and what happened back then..."

"Why? I mean—don't you remember anything about your past?"

"Yeah...it's like as if I have an amnesia."



✦ ✧ ✦

Right after class ended, she stood up and hastily grabbed her bag, she was about to ran out of the classroom when someone grabbed her red scarf making her stop in tracks.

"Hold it right there, miss. I thought your going to hang out with me?"

"Aw! I have something important to do Karma! I-I'll make it up to you tomorrow, promise!"

The black haired girl began to struggle while her red scarf was being tugged by the red haired boy.

"Oh come' on! Let go!" she stated.

"Is it really that important?" he raised an delicate eyebrow, questioning her.

"Yeah, so let go!" she said.

Karma sighed as he lets go of his grip on her scarf, then she dashed out of the room, before leaving, she peeked on the classroom.

"Let's hang out next time, Karma!" she yelled before completely leaving, Karma rubbed the back of his hair and started packing his stuff.

"Did something happened?" a low voice asked him, he turned around to see Itona talking.

"Who knows? She suddenly wanted to postpone our date, how cruel can she be, no?"

"...I-I see, so you two are dating..."

There was a hint of sadness laced in his low voice, Karma noticed this and sighed. Knowing why he's like that.

'Angel-chan is really popular with boys, huh? She can build her own reverse harem if she wants...'

✦ ✧ ✦

With the speed of lighting, she ran as fast as she can through the mountain, carefully, not trying to trip or slip along the way down.

'I need to ask him about this picture... I bet he knows something!'

She finally reached the main campus' entrance, then she spotted the one that she was looking for walking out of the main campus, all alone.

She Has A Secret | AC | Karma x OC | Book 2 [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now