Chapter 3

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Who do I see tied up on the floor?..... the only father of mine and Derek with Mr.Green Hair standing over the both of them. "Derek!" Of course I'm not gonna talk my dad. Not my fault he ignores me. I finally get out the man's arms and realize he has red in his hair. I quickly hug Derek. "Hey what about me!?" Said the thing that called himself my father. "Tell me my name and favorite color and maybe I'll show you some fucking respect" "..." that shut him right up.

"Ooh that's touching does someone have daddy issues Y/n?" Said snot head. "Ooh does someone have stalker issues barf hair?" I mocked. He scowled at me. I smirked and looked for the ties in Derek's ropes. "Hey hey missy you aren't going anywhere and neither are they." Said the one who dyed his hair with period blood. I glared at him once before I continued looking.

"And why is that? I don't know who you are and yet you know my name? That's not creepy." I swear to god I heard him growl a bit. Then snot head decided to pick up my dad's ropes and pull him too his feet. "If you don't shut up little girl" he pulls out a knife. (Cue dramatic knife reveal)"I'll kill him." I thought for a sec before I said. "Do it" looking old moldy head in his eyes. Then I continued to Derek's ropes before giving up and pulling out my knife. Why didn't I just pull this out in the first place? I just shrugged it off and started cutting. Barf hair and Snarky were amazed I had a knife. Once they came back to their senses I was halfway through the ropes.

To be entirely honest I was a bit scared. I don't know who these guys are but they aren't human. Their eyes give it away. I don't know what they'll do to me or what they're capable of. I guess that's what scares me most. Not knowing. I know a bit on this topic. I've been not known for a while. It sucks. But not knowing the dangerous is scary. Saying these people are dangerous. (*suddenly imagines jack and mark making stupid dinosaur noises**then imagines them them they go mad over games*)

I start to move more quickly but they take my knife away and restrain me. The tomatoe headed one holding my arms with my back faced to him. I see my father standing there looking panicked and moldy holding Derek so he doesn't break the few ropes left. "Alright look we kidnapped you and your father and your best friend forever oh wait he's your boyfriend now right?" Snotty nose ,cause he had a bat in the cave, said smirking.

"I see this so what does it matter. Kill my father or let him go. Could care less. But why did you kidnap me?" I managed to say. Period blood head behind me said in a deep voice "Because, dearest Y/n, we've been watching you for a long time and thought we should have you too our selves~" His voice sent shivers down my spine. "What are you gonna do to her!?" Said my special dumbass Derek. Moldy hair walks in front of him and leans down "We're gonna do whatever we want with her cause you know what? She's ours now. Fair and square. We kidnapped her. And get to watch since you tried to steal her from us."

Wow could you say that with anymore words? Not what I should be thinking at this moment in time but like wow. "Uh yea I'm actually kinda wondering on whether or not I'm gonna get raped?" The one that looked like the back part of a McDonald's sign chuckled deeply in my ear. While the other turned to us and walked over in front of me. He puts a hand on my face stroking my cheek with his thumb. "Well you see, beautiful, we aren't going to go that far..... not yet anyway... for now" He leans close to my ear. "I think we'll just have a little fun~" I tried to take a step back but my arms were still stuck behind me and mr. Tomato head was still behind me. I was out of sassy comments and space.......

What will you do next? Will you get raped? Find out in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!!!!! Jk lolz but yea I'm ending it here for now guys. I'm sorry!!! I do love you I promise!!! Anyways that's all for now til next time see ya later my COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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