"Good evening, sir."
Ai said as he walked in with Lily.

"Good evening to you, too, as well,
  Mr.Mikaze. and you too, Ms.Beautiful Lily.
  Please be seated and let's begin talking."
Saotome said as he asked them to sit.

"Okay. What is it you wanted to talk
  to us about?"

Ai asked right away as he sat down
on the sofa with Lily.

"(I'm somehow nervous.)"
Lily said as she clutched her
hands tighter.

"It'll be fine." Ai suddenly moved
back and whispered to her ear.
He placed his hands on Lily's hand.
"Principal..?" then faced Saotome
once again.

Saotome was watching them quietly
and he looked really serious.

"It seems you already know what I
  am here to talk to you about,
Saotome calmly said.

"Yes, I do. I obviously do. As you
  can see, I'm very intelligent."
Ai said, trying to clear everything already.

"(I knew it.....What do I do?
    Ai-kun's career migh---)"
Lily watched as Ai spoke but then..

"There is no need for you to
  break them up, Mr.Saotome."
Someone suddenly entered the
room and spoke up.. it turns out
to be... the professor.

"P-Professor? W-Why are you here?"
Surprised, Lily asked the professor.

"Emily, you don't have to worry.
  I am here to help Aine and of course,
  to repay all your kindness and good work."
The professor placed his hands on his
pockets and smiled at Lily, then continued
walking over to Saotome.

"Oh.. you are that famous scientist.
  I see, well well, what will you do for
  these two who broke my rule?"
Saotome questioned the professor.

"It's something very important.
  You'll have to come with me."
The professor told Saotome,
"Aine, Emily, you two go back
  for now. I'll be talking with
he sad calmly to Ai and Lily.

"But professor what are you
  gonna do..?"
Lily asked him again.

"Lily, it's alright. Leave it to him.
  But first of all.. before we go..
  I want to make something clear..
 Lily and I are lovers now,  I love
  her more than anyone else in
  the world! She's the most precious
  person to me.. that's why, you
  wont take her away from me.
  I won't let you.. We are lovers,
  and we have nothing to hide."
Ai faced Saotome with a clear determined
face, he's obviously not like the emotionless
Ai Mikaze before. He's learned how to love.

"Aine. That's enough now."
The professor walked over
and patted Ai's shoulder.
"I will handle this."

"Thanks, professor." Ai
thanked him, "Let's go,
He took Lily's hand
and was about to walk away.

"Wait..." Lily stopped. Then
she faced Saotome and bowed
her head. "I'm so sorry for
breaking the rule... but if
loving Ai-kun means being
wrong, then I'd rather be
wrong forever. I don't
want to be separated
away from him as well.
But I also don't want
his career to end.
Let us stay together, please."
She begged kindly.

"Emily, I will handle this, alright?
  you two step out already. Besides,
  I have business with Mr.Saotome."
The professor raised a brow and
finally pushed the two outside then
closed the door completely.

"Well.. we're done. Let's go home."
Ai smiled again as if he already recovered
from the intense aura coming from Saotome.

"O-Okay... But I'm really worried..
  shouldn't we wait...?"
Lily asked.

"No. We have nothing to hide. If I had
  to, I'll scream it to the world. How much
  I love you, Lily. I was surprised that you
  spoke up to the principal. Thank you,
  it made me happy. Well, you always do."
Ai said as he caressed her cheeks
and they began walking.

"I'll do everything for you, Ai-kun.
  You're my only happiness, how
  can I even let go of you?"
Lily blushed as she muttered
while they walk.

Chapter 18 -
Nothing To Hide

What Is Love? [UtaPri: Ai Mikaze Fan Fict]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ