4: Moving Day

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I was packed and ready to go. Caroline and I had an emotional goodbye but promised to text each other every day.

The drive to JWU was about an hour which wasn't too far. I was excited to be gone but I was still scared.

"Honey, you'll be fine." My dad reassured. He had told me this a thousand times but I couldn't help the tears.

"I know," I sniffled. "It's just that I never go away for long periods of time and I don't want to start now."

"It's only an hour away and we can talk every night."

"Okay." I hugged my dad and mom goodbye.

"We love you." My dad kissed my for forehead.

"I love y'all too." I looked around my boring dorm room. My roommate was due any minute so I decided to start decorating my side of the room. Just as I was about to unpack, there was a knock on the door.

"Hello!" A young girl greeted. "I'm Carson, your new roommate."

"Hi! I'm Addie!" She was young and beautiful. Her hair was long and gold. She walked into our room and her parents followed.

"Hello, we're Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. It's nice to meet you." We shook hands.

"You too. I'm Addie Lancaster." They followed in behind Carson and said their goodbyes before heading out.

"I'm so excited for school." Carson announced. "The parties, the freedom, oh! And the hot guys." She smirked and nudged me.

"Yeah, too bad I'm not much of a partier."

"Oh come on! They're going to be so lit! You have to come with me to one."

"Maybe." We continued to unpack in silence before I heard Carson put on some music.

"Do you like Drake?" I nodded. She started playing One Dance by him. We both sang along before there was another knock.

"Hello, I'm Cameron, your hall monitor. I'm here to inform you about a few rules here in the Speight dormitory. First, curfew is at 11:00 pm unless you have a pass from the library. Second, these dorms are not co-ed and boys are not aloud in girls rooms and vise versa for girls. And lastly, no parties or loud music aloud."

"Okay! Thanks Cameron!" Carson announced before closing the door. "He was hot."

"Oh god." I rolled my eyes.

"What?! He was!" She exclaimed, defending herself.

"It sucks though cause no boys." I mocked Cameron. "The rules here are so strict." 

"I know. It sucks." We nodded in agreement and continued unpacking.

When we finished, my side wasn't too exciting. Just a few posters and pictures while Carson's side was decked out in everything surf. Her sheets even had tiny surf boards on them.

"You like surfing?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes! I dream of being a professional one day. I just have to keep working at it. What about you? What do you want to be?"

"Well, I used to want to be a chef but know I'm here for dental school."

"You want to be a dentist?"

"No, an orthodontist." She grimaced. "What?"

"I hate both of those places." I laughed and explained to her that I would be much more fun than your typical orthodontist. She didn't believe me. I heard my phone ring and went to pick it up.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Hey, girl, hey!" It was Caroline.

"Hey! How's Clemson?"

"Amazzzzzzzing! There even are some hot guys here." Caroline and Carson would make the best of friends.

"That's exactly what my roommate said."

"Ah! Who is your roommate?"

"Her name is Carson. She's really sweet and pretty." Behind me I heard a stifled laugh and then a thank you. "How about yours?"

"Don't have one. My roommate dropped out."

"Oh, that sucks."

"It's not too bad. Means I have more space for all my stuff." We both laughed before saying some more things and then goodbye.

"I'm gonna head out." Carson announced. "Grocery shopping."

"Okay, see ya." She left and I began thinking. What ever happened to Luke and why did he change his number?

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