Chapter 17

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I month Later:
Tyler's POV {Point Of view}
I opened my eyes to a pair of Baby Blues Eyes Staring me I have the most beautiful, Kind, and who is a amazing Mom to our Handsome Little Boy People said that this love would never work out it  feels really good to prove them wrong💗 She layed her head on my shirtless chest and I started running my fingers through her hair, we stayed in bed for a few more mins Intill hunter started crying so I went to check on him while Jessica got breakfast started.
Jessica's POV {Point Of View}
Tyler Bought Hunter into the kitchen and put him into his highchair while we finshed up breakfast, I got His bottle fixed and watched Tyler Fed Him...
Tyler's POV {Point Of view }
After we feel finished Breakfast" I put Hunter down for his morning Nap
I grabbed the Blanket for the back of the Choach we watched "The Notebook" Before we both fell asleep with Jessica on my chest

A/N I hope y'all liked the update I will be starting a new story soon💗

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