"Hey now," I started to defend myself. "I've got some meat on me. Isabella's brother has been kicking my ass in the gym recently. I'm not scrawny like I used to be." 

"That's for sure. So where's this place of yours? Are we walking far? I just parked my car about ten blocks from here."

"Eh, it's a little north of NYU rather than up here. Did you want to drive it over now?"

He looked down at his watch before looking back up at me, "Yeah, I think I will. Give me the streets and I'll find a parking garage there. I'd offer you a ride, but the car is packed."

"Not a big deal, I'll probably get there before you with all this traffic," I laughed.

I wrote down the street name that the building was on and gave it to him as he walked away. I let him know that if he got there before me, the guy at the front desk had his key. 

I started to walk down the pathway still in the park. While I'm out I might as well go to get something to drink. Maybe a lemonade? Where are those damn food carts when you need one?

Looking down at my pockets, I rummaged through the tight fabric to grab some cash. That was, until I forcefully walked right into someone.

Our collision sent the both of us right to the ground. Whatever smoothie drink they were holding was now all over my white shirt. Fucking great. 

I looked up at who it was that I ran into and was stunned. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her brown eyes looked over to me worriedly as she moved some of her dark brown hair out of her face.

Her dress was also covered in the smoothie, and suddenly I had forgotten that my shirt was stained as well.  I immediately stood up and bent down to help her up.

"I'm so so sorry! I should've been watching where I was going. Are you alright? Gah, I'm so sorry about your dress! Fuck, do you need me to buy you something to wear right now?" I rambled.

She tried to laugh this situation off, "I'm fine. It's okay. Sorry, my smoothie is all over you. I probably should have been looking ahead of me instead of at my phone."

Just staring at this girl in front of me, I was almost starstruck. Her beauty was captivating me, and I just didn't seem like I could think straight. 

"It was my fault. Let me pay for your dress."

"No no, that's too much. I'm fine, really."

"Well then let me buy you lunch or dinner sometime. It's the least I can do for fucking up your clothes," I offered. 

She looked at me for a while, probably examining whether or not I was of any threat to her. What would I even do to her? Nothing. I'm not like that. Hopefully she would understand that.

"Okay," she finally said. "You can take me to dinner."

My heart beat increased at her agreement, and I found myself smiling like an idiot.

"When would you like to go?" I asked.

"Tonight is fine, if you're free."

"Yeah, of course. Any preferences on a place?"

"Surprise me."

She smiled and I felt my whole body filling up with happiness. That was the most perfect smile I had seen on any girl. She could be the solution for world peace. 

"Let me get your number? I can text you when I'm on my way to pick you up," I handed her my phone and she shyly took it. "What's your name?"


"No last name?"


"Summer Addison. That's a very pretty name. Suits you well," I smiled as she gave my phone back to me.

Her cheeks faintly turned pink before she looked back up at me, "And you are?"

"I'm Harry. Harry Styles."

"Nice to meet you, Harry Styles. I'll see you tonight," Summer sweetly smiled.

She slung her large purse onto her shoulder and smoothed her dress, trying to see if there was a way she could cover the spill. 

I felt bad for dumping her drink on the two of us. I wanted to offer to buy her another one, but she was already on her way towards wherever she was going. I didn't even get a chance to say bye.

Well, maybe I did. I was just too stunned by her presence. I was surprised I handled myself that well around her. Minus the rambling when we first started to talk, I didn't sound like an idiot around her. At least, I hoped I didn't. How embarrassing would that have been if I did sound like that. I really hoped I didn't come off as creepy.

Nevertheless, I had a date with Summer tonight. The image of her was burned into my memory. I'd never forget a face like that. With her lightly tanned skin so flawless, and the cute freckles that scattered across her nose. She looked like she could've been a model or some shit. I mean, her face was beautiful, and she wasn't as tall but she was petite. Maybe not as small as the fashion industry would have liked, but she was healthy looking and gorgeous. I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that a girl had me so intrigued. This never happens.

I needed to figure out where I was going to take her. It had to be a good date, something she wouldn't forget. I also had to get Xander settled into the apartment before I left. 

And I needed to get this smoothie stain out of my white shirt.


Okay idk. I know I said I wasn't going to post any of this until Just Friends was over, but I'm in a really good mood. So I decided to give you all the first chapter :)

I hope it's interesting enough and makes you want to read the rest of the story lol. Please please please vote/comment for this if you liked it! I really appreciate any feedback!

:) xx

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