Orton plays The Game

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Triple H grabbed the belt, however Randy didn't let go. After another pull to get it out of Randy's hands, The Game recieved something else, and it wasn't the title, it was a spit to the face, courtesy of Randy Orton.

"Orton just spit into the face of The Game!", Jim Ross said shocked, just as much as the fans were in the arena.

Damn, even I didn't see that coming.

Randy had the title back at his side, holding it and smiling at Triple H who was wiping the spit off his face.

I think Randy has just got himself a death wish..

That Orton grin, wider than it usually is displayed on the TV. Triple H was about to attack Randy when he was hit with the World Heavyweight Championship, a shot straight to the head sending him down to the canvas.

Randy dived out of the ring and headed straight over the barricade, running up the stairs of the arena to save himself from the attack of Batista and Flair.

As he reached the top he held the title above his head and smiled, he outsmarted Triple H.

"Orton! You're a dead man!", Triple H shouted as he watched Randy hold up 'his' title belt. It was a pretty funny sight.

"The courage of Orton, and The Game is livid!", Jim Ross commented as Raw went to a break.

I don't think livid is the right word right now for how Triple H must be feeling.


A knock at the door broke me out of my little bubble of watching Raw.

I got up and walked over to the door, opening it to reveal a rather sweaty looking, wrestling trunk clad Randy.

Well, I'm not one to complain..

"Hey.", he smiled, out of breath slightly.

"Hi.", I smiled back, moving out of the way so he could enter.

He walked in, jumping on the sofa, leaving no room, resting his title belt in his stomach.

"Did you see?"

"I did.", I nodded.

"What did you think?", he asked, raising his eyebrow slightly.

"I thought you did amazing out there, I wasn't expecting you to do what you did", I smiled.

"Yeah, Hunter wants this feud to happen, plus it'll be good for me, it's exciting!", he grinned.

"Did you have to spit in his face though?", I asked with a cringing expression.

"We wanted an action what would look disrespectful, I did it to Foley and it worked so why not, not gonna lie it did look like alot of spit..", he shrugged laughing slightly as he sat up properly, placing the World title on the table infront of him.

"Well it was great, the fans are behind you on this.", I smiled as I made my way over to sit beside him.

He however had a different idea, taking hold of my hand and pulling me over to sit on his lap. His free hand rested on the small of my back as the other kept ahold of my hand.

"And you?", he asked, his voice more quiet than normal.

"You know I'll always be behind you.", I smiled as I rested my arms around his neck.

Randy nodded, that unreadable facial expression on his face again like it was out there, he looked conflicted.

"Randy?", I spoke softly.

He just kept staring, still with that look on his face.

"Randy what's wro-", I was cut off by him pulling me into him.

Oh god.

Oh god.

This was it, wasn't it.

He looked at me one last time before he went for it.

He kissed me.

I just sat there frozen. I can't actually believe this is happening.

He brought his hand up to rest on the side of my face, continuing the kiss. I started to kiss back, I could feel him smiling slightly from me reacting this way.

Randy pulled away, resting his forehead against mine.

"I urm, I need to go get showered.", he stammered.

"Yeah of course."

He nodded in reply, however neither of us moved.

"Urm, Mel could you..?"

"Oh right yeah.", I mentally face palmed myself as I got off him. He stood up also, picking up his title and walking to the door.

"See you later?", he asked with a small smile.

"Sure.", I nodded.

He curtly nodded at me, opening the door and went to step out. He stopped halfway in doing so, turning back to me and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Bye Melody.", he said before he walked out, the door closing behind him.

"Yeah, bye Randy.", I looked down at the ground, blushing slightly with a smile.

I stood there abit taken aback at what had happened here.

This is just confirming my thoughts from last week even more.

I'm falling for him.

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant