Chapter 3

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Back to school.

    Frank absolutely hated this part. All the teachers and students glared at him, rolling their eyes as the disgrace for a teenager walked into school. Or human being, for that matter.

    He basically cleared a path way in the hall while he walked down, finding his locker. Quickly, as it always did, the looks and whispers died down, and it was now changing to mean hollers and jokes. Frank huffed to himself as he opened his locker. It was just how he left it; over flowing with unfinished assignments and suspension warnings. Fucking great.

    He let it all fall out, balling it up and stuffing it in the trash. When he returned to his locker, there was someone else there, their face hiding behind the door. A guidance counselor, no doubt, he thought. He slammed it shut and got angrier; it wasn't the guidance counselor, and for the first time, that news upset him.

    "What the hell do you want?" Frank snapped, ready to spit on the boy in front of him.

    "For you to come to your senses." Gerard replied boldly.

    Frank scoffed. He didn't understand what this guy was trying to do to him. Was someone paying him to make him stay? He had to be getting something out of ruining his life and sticking him back in this hell hole. No one wants to help; they want to order.

    "How about you," Frank began, sizing up the taller man, "Tell me why you're doing all this before I kick the shit out of you?"

    Gerard's eyes widened. "Are you seriously going to beat me up because of what I did?"

    "You know I can."

    "That's not the fucking point." Gerard snapped, "You gotta learn to handle your problems, Frank. You can't just run away and punch people. That's weak and cowardly. And it just makes you look like a moron."

    Frank clenched his fist, ready to punch Gerard right then, but suddenly stopped. Something happened after he said that. He heard things like that a million times before, but hurt. It hurt when Gerard turned him in, and it hurt to hear this from him now.

    "Real friend you are." Frank muttered, turning away.

    But Gerard was sick of Frank doing what he did best and running off; he grabbed his shoulder and jerked him back.

    "You needed to hear that." He argued, "Just...just go home, think, breathe; text me or something."

    Frank shook his head. "You've done enough. Please leave me alone."

    "Frank, you'll never be alone. You know that." Gerard's words were kind, but spewed out in an angry manner. He turned away and this time, HE left Frank standing dumbly in the hallway.

    But Frank didn't feel dumb. He just felt angry, and confused.

    "Frank? Where were you?"

    Frank turned around and pulled his ear buds out, looking up at the curious boy in front of him. He shrugged and flipped his hair.

    "I said to find me." Frank answered.

    Gerard replied, "Yeah, but I saw you like twice at different ends of the school." He chuckled. "Do you, like, lap the campus after school or something?"

    Frank actually laughed. He didn't remember the last time he genuinely laughed. He also didn't remember the last time someone actually kept their promise. Gerard actually found him.

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