Chapter 18 - Sasha's Point Of View

Start from the beginning

My feet, by now had carried me to the kitchen doorway. I lean against it and watch Madeline scurry around the kitchen her red hair, piled into a bun on top of her head. Her hazel eyes dart around the room, sweeping over the stainless steel appliances looking for something.

"Aha!" once she finds what she's looking for-a piping bag she walks over to the island and starts frosting the huge chocolate cake that lay there. A look of extreme concentration was planted on her face and I couldn't help but smile, this was what my childhood consisted of. Seeing Madeline making many of her delicious masterpieces, while frantically searching for lost utensils. I learned a lot from her, more than I ever learned from my own mother. Madeline first came to this house when she was twenty one and I was eleven, now six years later and she's still here; the one constant in my life and like my own mother.

"I bet you five bucks that any word I speak right now will make her jump three feet in the air, figuritively of course" Antonio's whispered into my ear, the sudden noise making me jump.

"Isn't that a bit of a cruel trick to play on your wife?" I ask him, crossing my arms and looking up at the twenty eight year old. His brown hair was swept to the side and his brown eyes sparkled with mischief, dressed in causal jeans and shirt he leaned against the other side of the door frame.

"Sasha, Sasha, Sasha" he tsked like I was some toddler in trouble "How many times do I have to tell you, all is fair in love and war. And marriage just happens to be a mixture of both" with a wink he steps into the kitchen and prepares to carry out the bet. It's not the first time Antonio has set out to freak Madeline out, in fact ever since he started working here around five years ago he's been making her life hell. Despite all the ups and downs they faced when they first met each other, the two fell in love and got married a year later, they've been married for four years now.

"Fine, but count me out. I actually want a piece of that cake"

He shrugs in response and shouts "Hey Babe!"

The red head jumps in the air and the piping bag falls from her hands and squirts a line of icing on to the previously spotless counter top.

"YOU moron!! Gosh you inconsiderate, stupid jerk, nearly gave me a heart attack!! What was i thinking when I married you?!" each insult was enunciated with a slap on Antonio's chest, with him trying to protect himself but failing miserably.

"Ow, Ouch! Madeline! Babe!" Antonio tries to wrap his arms around his angered wife, but she refuses, meanwhile I'm doubled over laughing leaning against the door frame.

" it was a .....bad idea" I gasp out between fits laughter.

"Laugh it up Sash, we'll see who's laughing when we talk about what your planning to do to poor Amelia later" Antonio snaps and I immediately stop laughing, the guilt I had washed away now gnawing away at my insides and regret flooding in.

While Antonio tries to calm his wife down I slip away upstairs to my room. it's sky blue painted walls covered with posters of my favourite bands and singers matched my mood. My mahogany single bed was placed in the centre of the left wall. a study desk with my laptop and other various items stood across from it. I flop down on my bed and look up at the ceiling admiring the glow in the dark stars Madeline and I had placed, (in what felt like) eons ago.

Back then, before high school, life was so much easier. I didn't have the constant pressure to be the big bitch of the school, I could be me, my friends liked me for me. Well , until they found out who my parents were. Then they just turned into back stabbing bitches.

It's the way my life has always been, people fawning over me hoping to get closer in hopes that the wealth given to me would somehow rub off onto them. Afterall I was the daughter of famous fashion designer, Sierra Rivers and wealthy business owner Mark Rivers. Being friends with the Rivers could mean a huge boost for your family's reputation creating connections that could get parents promoted in the business and fashion industry.

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