Step By Step

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Katy’s POV

Hoping to make a good first impression, I studied the wardrobe I called my unpacked boxes lining up the walls of my new bedroom floor. Rosewood Academy is a boarding school which I am happily calling home, unless you’re ultimately rich and can afford the two hour drive it takes everyone to get there and back from Miami.

I shimmied into a pair of light-blue faded skinny jeans, pairing it with a wool-sweater that hung off one shoulder and a pair of brown-leather knee high boots. I’m not the girly-type but spending the couple of weeks I have here, no-one is caught dead in what we wear back home, which I think is ridiculous because everyone here dresses to impress. But lucky that this façade will only be for one day, plus Spencer – my older sister has been bugging me about my lack of sense-of-fashion, forcing me to go shopping for a new wardrobe. Something that I’m surprisingly  grateful for.

I slipped a few dangly bracelets on my wrist, along with some studs in my ears and my golden-clockwork angel necklace around my neck ,given to me by father which I take with me everywhere. I swept some mascara on my lashes and added a coat of gloss on my lips, studying myself in the mirror I was happy with what was looking back at me except for the glasses I was wearing considering I’m a four-eyed freak, my big green, greyish eyes behind the spectacles staring back at me and my auburn-coloured hair cascading in waves down my back landing a few inches above my waist.

I slowly made my way down stairs, my suitcase tumbling down after me.

“ That’s the last of it all “, I said to Tyler as he walked back in the house empty handed, only to be needing to take another bag of luggage out to the Camaro .

“ Are you sure ? You said that the last two times I walked in and out of that door”, he replied, dragging my suitcase out to the car, me in close pursuit behind him.

“ I’m sure “ ,I replied, not being able to hide my smile.

He piled my suitcase in the trunk on top of my other belongings, closing it when he was satisfied with where it was.

He turned to face me,” Look at my lil’ sis . All grown up and what not “, he said walking to me with his arms out wide. I walked into his arms which tightly embraced me. “ Dad would be proud if he were here “, he mumbled into my hair, pulling back to get a good look at me.

“ Don’t “, I replied, not in the mood to ruin my mascara. Dad says that Tyler and I are the opposites of each-other, he’s my light whereas I’m his dark. Where I’m brunette, he’s blonde. Green eyes, blue. Him a spitting image of my mother and me, my dad which I am burdened for as it’s a constant reminder to my family of him with every day that passes without him being here.

“ Quick Kiddo, before we’re late for your orientation thing “, Tyler says walking to the driver’s side of the car, igniting the engine. The sweet rev of the engine sounding like music to my ears. I jump into the passenger seat and off we go.

“ Take deep breaths “, I reminded myself as we drove closer to the new school I was attending.

I moved here from Seattle, Mum feeling that a change in scenery be willing to be more than good for the whole-family. At first, I was totally against it all, the idea of having to restart my high-school life being horrific, well not that I was any popular at my old school. It’s just that being the new-kid and all isn’t something I’m well acquainted to.

Today’s my first day attending The Rosewood Academy Of The Performing Arts. “ Where we excel in the utmost of importance “ – well at least that’s what it says on everything that has the school logo on it. I’m attending this upper-class of a school thanks to my brother Tyler. Tyler’s two years older than me and made a huge reputation at this school, well thanks to the event that put him in the care of the school – which I don’t want to elaborate much on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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