Im Shattered

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At age of sixteen most kids  start to experience life. Go out with friends have, fall in love. Enjoy High School, and the experience of what it has to offer even if it's disastrous or wonderful its still a learning experience. We learn from our mistake's, go through brake up's receive our first kiss, even sometimes give yourself away. On a given night sneak out to party. Live life to the fullest feel unstoppable at that age nothing matters.

Not for me. It was different for me. While  others were living and enjoying life. I was home. Too afraid to even look out the window, living through nightmares, waking up screaming and sobbing. Hearing words that only made me feel useless, dirty, stressed and most of all unloved.

This all changed one fateful night. In one night my life was over but in the same instance it began again. My name is Lluvia Miriam Gonzales and this is the story about how my life change.

Before sixteen birthday I was broken. High school was my own personal hell. Home was not any better. I lived with my uncle Manuel he was my fathers older brother he took me in after my mom and died in a car accident when I was ten years old. It was their anniversary every thing was great before their deaths I was very much loved. My uncle took me in hoping he would have access to my inheritance little did he know I only got a thousand a month until my 26th birthday where I would have access to all they left me.

    Each day I got reminded of what a burden I was. Every first of the month he would beat me until I signed the check over, Manuel and Elsa his wife would go through the money in less than a week sometime even a day. My uncle was careful to instill the fear of hell in me I was to never tell. The marks on my body would always be unseen covered by long sleeve shirts and a pair of faded jeans my hair hung lose to cover any marks near my neck that give way of the life I had at home. 

  Grey field High I was ahead two years a senior now. I tried my hardest to go un-noticed  I walked around crowded hall way's with my head hung low never making any eye contact.         Some of the kids would throw paper balls at me or push me against lockers I was a nobody. I was the kid who excelled in her studies but no one new my name. Sitting quietly in the back of the class hopping not to get noticed trying to keep to my self I was easy to forget. After class I'd lag behind waiting for people to leave so I could have peace.

One evening the halls empty of life I came out from hiding in the girls restroom. Casually I made my way to my locker put my books away taking only what was needed for homework. Walking through empty hall ways peacefully alone I made my way to east wing exit of the building when with a bang I was thrown a cross the floor with books and papers scattered everywhere.

Sean the school quarterback accidentally pushed door open not knowing I was behind it.
Sean rushed to my side picking up my papers and books along the way spitting out apologies. When he finally noticed me really noticed me.

* Hey aren't you that girl in my English lit class.
* Yes .... And math, gym and art
* Oh hey I'm sorry I didn't see you there I thought the building was alone.

At my silence I guess he thought he owed me a bigger explanation, he continued talking to me as he helped me on my feet. Me keeping true to my nature continued to say nothing.

* Yeah a few of the guys showed up a little wasted. Coach decided to punish us all and gave us extra laps so here I am trying to get stuff from my locker before they close up. You know a guy like me can't just depend on football to help ride me through college. I will need an education to get me through life. I mean you never know I could get injured and never be able to play again you never can predict these things. Hummm... You don't say much do you ... Well I'll tell you this you make a good listener.

I couldn't help it. His lighthearted comments made me smile.

* Has any one ever told you that you got a beautiful smile.

Hey raised his hand toward my face, I flinched waiting for him to strike me. But the burn of his contact to my flesh never came. He swiped the hair that cover my eyes and stared before I slowly opened them when the slap never came. After what seemed like for ever he spoke again.

* Wow. You got beautiful eyes to go with that gorgeous  smile of yours  .

* What ? No way there is nothing pretty here.

I never gave him a chance to answer I stormed out of the building and started my long walk home.


Hi! Well this is our second story Lety and Me Angeles C. I hope you like it because we are so exited about this one as we are with all the ones we share here. Hope you like it. Warning this will be short and sweet as we want to finish another we had started The inheritance it's a draft but want to finish these before starting Bella and the rock a sequel to Lupus bloodline. Ok enjoy  you know the drill Comment/ Follow / Vote 

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