Ch: 1 Normal day... Kinda

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( p.s your brother name is Rob, sister name is Ruby, dad name is Ben and mother name is Bob XD jk it's Jen :P if you don't like the names you can change it if ya want )




You slam your hand on your alarm clock and it stop beeping. You sigh happily and was about to go back to sleep until...

"(Y/N)!!! Wake up lazy butt!! It's Monday and time for school!!!" Yell your brother that was a two years older than you.

You groan and pull your pillow over your face. " Ugh... I hate Mondays... let me sleep Rob... "

" Hmm... Let me think about it.. NOPE!! " Rob said while grabbing your legs and pull you out of your bed. You gasp/ groan in surprise and in pain.

" ROB!! YOU MAN BOOBS JERK!! " You yell angrily. You and Rob both go to the same high school. Your a Junior and Rob is a super senior. He have to been in School for another year because he fail P.E. and math. He use to be cubby but been working out to past P.E. and now he as a small six pack. But When he was cubby you and your sister call him man boobs cuz he had bigger tits then your sister. Your other sister older than you, she's 21 and she still lives with her parents but she has a job. You have bigger breasts then your big sister and Rob used to too. (XD ) Even though Rob lost his man boobs you two still call him back to just annoyed him.

Rod turn red from embarrassment and then yelled angrily, " I been working out!!! I don't have man boobs anymore!!! " You and Rob get along pretty well it's just that you two like to get each other annoyed or angry.

You stand up, grab you favorite outfit walk in the bathroom that was in your room ( you have your own bathroom in your room ^-^ ) and yelled, " Yeah yeah whatever! But Your chest are still bigger then Ruby! " You laughed when you hear a 'hey' from Rob and Ruby. You took a quick shower and got dress. Soon as you walk out of the bathroom you right away got put in a headlock by Rob. " Rob I was joking about your chest being bigger then Ruby! " You yelled while wiggling around a bit. Rob let go of you and said, " You better be joking." mumbled Rob.
You chuckled, run out of your room and yelled, " Even though you lost yours man boob! Your still cubby! " you laughed harder when you heard a growl from Rob. " I'm not cubby! " Rob chased you around until you two were in the kitchen where your mom, dad and sister was at. Rob tackles you to the ground.
" Owww! Mom! Dad! Rob is hurting meh!!!" You said while wrestling with Rob.
Both of your parents sigh. "Rob let go of your little sister now." said your dad.

" But dad! She was calling me man boobs and cubby again!" Rob said while holding you in a headlock again.

" Son you are cubby. Now let go of your sister." You laugh when your dad agreed with you and you laughed even more when you saw Rob face. While Rob was distracted you wiggled out freed and took a seat next to your dad and giggled.

"Ben, Rob is not cubby he's just big bone." Said your mom. You and your sister burst out laughing.

Rob blushed bright red. " Mom! That didn't help! "

"Shush Rob, eat your breakfast and go to school." Your mom said while put your guys breakfast. Rob pouted and got up and start eating his breakfast. Your mornings are usually like this. You wake up, you insult Rob, start a little fight with Rob and eat breakfast. Yeah just normal morning things.

Everybody just eating breakfast quietly while you and your sister are making fun of Rob quietly. " Hehe Ruby, Rob is growing man boobs again. Don't you think so? "

Ruby giggled and nod her head agree with you. When you two were talking Rob heard everything and stand up mad and pulls of his shirt. "I am not growing man boobs again!" He said while pointing at his slightly toned chest. "Look at this! This is not a body of a cubby boy! This is a body of a buff man! And-"
"Rob put on your shirt. We are trying to eat. " Interrupts both your parents.
You laugh and reach over to Rob. You smile evilly and grabs Rob's nipple, giving it a hard twist. Rob squealed in pain like a little girl. You let go quickly and start running around while Rob was chasing you and holding his sore nipple. "Hahahahaha!!!"
"(Y/N)! What did I say about twisting your brother's nibble during breakfast or any kind of time!" Yelled your mom annoyed that you twist your brother nibble again. You didn't answer her back because you were too busy running away from Rob.

Ruby stand up and grab her car keys. " Okay guys! Get in my car so I could drive you two to school!"

You trip Rob and ran out the door quickly as you can. Rob was about to get up until something covered over his face.

" Rob you better not leave without a shirt on. " Said mom.

Rob groan and quickly put on a shirt and run out the door.

"Bye mom and dad!" Ruby said and walked out the door to only see you and Rob fighting over the front seat next to the driver seat.

~ Time skip at school now during last period of the day ~

There you are in your ( least favorite class ) listening to your teacher Ms. Boa talk about ( least favorite subject ). You're really bored out of your mind but you needed to pay attention to it because you're grade wasn't the greatest in this class. You listened for her to talk about ( least favorite subject ) Half an hour and finally the bell ring. Your teacher dismiss the class and you got up right away and ran out the door. While you were running out the door you accidentally into bumped into your bully, Amy. "Hey watch where you're going brat!" You just rolled your eyes at her and run past her, ignoring her.
"You can always ignore me you brat!"
You turned around but you're still running. You're running backwards. " Um yeah I can ya bitch!"
Amy gasped dramatically while people around her giggled. You smile victoriously. Turned around running normally again.

~ small time skip ~

Right now you are pissed because your brother and sister just ditched you. They thought it was funny to wait for you and when you're about to open the door to just hit the gas and drive away while you're chasing after them. So you are end up walking back home you kinda live a bit far from school. ' I hate them sometimes...' you though. 'I don't feel like walkingggg.... Ugh I'm weird' x3

~ 5 minutes later ~

'UGHHHH.... I'm bored! And I'm not even halfway home! Maybe I should take a shortcut? Yeah a shortcut!' You though a shortcut was a great idea but some of the shortcuts led to alleys and weirdos and your parents never let you take shortcuts because of that. But one time you took a shortcut last month and your glad did because you met an weird blonde guy name Alois! He's like you but more mean and crazy! He's gay and he's mean to ladies, but he's nice to you! Weird right!? He trust you, he's alway happy to see you and he told you that he has a crush on his babysitter Claude. Alois is rich, bratty, bossy, childish, 18 years old, and he need a babysitter. You think since Claude is able to handle Alois bratty, childish, and bossy gave behavior he could just be Alois butler. ( did you see what I did there? X3 ) And you think Alois would be happy about it and he can afford a butler since he's rich.

You smiled a bit and think you should just risk going through a shortcut. You still amazed that Alois so nice to you even though he's mean to girls most of the time. So while you're thinking about your friend you took a random alleyway. While walking there you saw a man with a Big mustache holding a box. You got a little frightened and you decide to hide it behind a trashcan was in the alleyway. You peak over the trashcan to see the man talking to the box. You trying to peek inside the box from a long distance the only thing you saw was something a bit of red, black, a lot of green...

Cliffhanger! That's my first chapter! I hope you like it so far! Please Comment! @nelidai out! Meh I'm weird, lazy and lonely ;-; p.s please check out my Sonic boy scenario! I'm going to update soon on that! XD sorry for any spelling errors

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