Prologue ~ A day in their life

Start from the beginning

I sit on the bed and he grabs my hips and move me so I'm sitting on his lap and say, while looking me in my eyes,"How did you sleep last nigh? Ohh yeah that's right! You barely got any of that with the way I was working you." I giggle lightly and say,"Well thanks to you I can barely move my legs." He chuckles and smirk saying, while moving his hand up my inner thigh slowly,"You want daddy to ease that pain baby girl?.." I quickly move his hand and say, while getting off of his lap,"Nope because then I'll just be in even more pain, and besides you have to go to work."

He quickly gets out of the bed, with absolutely no clothes on, and pick me up and wrap my legs around his waist saying,"Belle you know I'm the boss so I can come in anytime I want!" He starts kissing my neck and grinding into me swiftly causing me to say,"I-I just took a shower and the kids are waiting on me.." He groans while pulling away slowly and place me down softly, then he smacks my butt and say,"Don't worry Nelly, I'll find time.." He kisses my lips one last time and walk to the bathroom to shower.

I just shake my head and walk to the front of our bedroom door and see our kids waiting anxiously on the other side, so I walk out and say,"Alright now who's ready to make some breakfast?" They both yell excitedly,"Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!" I just giggle as we walk down the hallway and down the stairs to the kitchen.

I help them sit on the barstools and turn on the kitchen Tv to the Backyardagans, while pulling out the ingredients. Monroe saids,"Mommy are we gonna workout today?" I say adding the mix in one bowl,"Of course but I don't know if daddy will be able to-" Grayson cuts me off as he comes into the kitchen in only his dress pants, with his shirt and suit case in his hand,"Daddy will be there." He walks over to Monroe and plant a kiss on her cheek, while him and Apollo do their secret hand shake.

I say, handing the mixing bowl to Monroe so she can stir the ingredients,"Well that was a quick shower." He put his things down on the counter and walk up behind me as I put the bacon on the hot plate, and wrap his arms around me saying,"Why would I wanna be in the shower all by myself when I could be down here with you and the kids."

I say,"Good point." Then Apollo saids, as I try to hand him the eggs to stir but Grayson keeps pulling me back to him,"Lasciare la mia mamma da sola!(Leave my mom alone!)" I chuckle and say as Monroe just giggles to herself,"Don't worry Pollo, mommy's got this." I turn around in his arms and whisper in his ear,"If you don't let me go right now, you won't get any tonight." He grips my bottom and say,"Well I find that hard to believe baby girl... You can't resist all of this.." I say,"You or me?" He chuckles and peck my cheek then whisper in my ear,"Come to my office during my lunch break.. Just you princess..."

He lets go of my waist and I nod in his direction, then hand the bowl of eggs to Apollo. He saids,"Mommy, is Uncle Andrew coming over today?" I hear Grayson suck his teeth and grumble a few choice words causing me to laugh and say,"I don't know Pollo, he might stop by. Baby girl are you done mixing?" He nods and she saids,"Yes momma, c-can I pwour it in?" I smile at her and nod causing her to squeal and get down from the stool, with Gray's help of course, and run over to me.

I place her on top of the counter and say,"Be careful and don't poor too much." She wipes her curly locks out of her face and say,"I got it mommy."


Once breakfast is ready, I fix everyone's plate and place it down on the table in the breakfast room. I call everyone in to come eat and they run in here like wild animals! Once everyone is seated and grace was said, I say to Gray, who is sitting right beside me, with the kids sitting across from us,"Are you sure you can stay for breakfast baby? I thought you had an important meeting to go to."

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